Christianity, the most dangerous cult on earth. Created by the Romans almost 2000 years ago, this criminal organization has been responsible for much of the world's misery. And it's based on a lie! It worked perfectly to keep the population scared and docile. Which has been the reason for its existence since, well, forever.
Origin of Christianity
The biggest religion in the world is a hoax. It's nothing more than a scattered collection of ideas from more ancient religions. Almost every religion is a sun-worshipping cult, although most current practitioners have no clue that this is what they are doing. The idea of monotheism was founded in Egypt. An untraditional pharaoh named Akhenaten imposed a belief-system upon his people that was centered around a single deity, the Aten or sun-disk. There is a strong possibility that this religion inspired the development of monotheism among the Israelites. There are also striking similarities between Christianity and Mithraism, an ancient Persian religion. For example, Mithras was born on 25 December and the Mithras cult was characterized by baptism. But if we look a bit deeper into these ancient religions, we find that they are all based on sun worshipping. The date of 25 December is also known as the winter solstice. This marks the event in the year when the sun reaches the point farthest south of the equator. This was seen as a rebirth of the sun, and as such the date became the birthday of multiple gods such as Thor, Osiris, and Dionysus, and much more.
The same happened when Christians adopted Easter, which is, in essence, an ancient pagan ritual. It happens on the first Sunday after the first full moon of the equinox. Coincidentally also the birth period of various ancient fertility gods such as Ishtar and Ashtoreth. Even the ridiculous ritual of dying eggs and giving them as gifts is something that originated from a Pagan ritual. They believed the world egg was laid by the moon goddess and was then split open by the heat of the sun god, giving birth to the world. A Christian pope, Victor I, made Easter Sunday into an official Christian holiday. Today, they claim Easter is a pure Christian festival. It seems the Christian church deliberately ignores historical truths. But hey, that shouldn't come as a surprise. The history of Christianity is riddled with lies, murder, and deceit.
Christianity preys on the weak and innocent and plays on our fears.
The greatest crime of Christianity is the 2000 years of abusing and terrorizing children. This is still continuing today! They indoctrinate innocent children.
They are dishonest and use fear-mongering to convert people to their irrational belief system. The best example of this is 'Pascal's wager'. This states that it safer to believe in god, because in the case he does exist, he will condemn non-believers to hell. This appeals to human cowardice. Better be safe and belief then!
Another sickening ploy that Christianity uses to control their 'flock' is the promise of eternal life. It plays on one of our most basic fears: Death. As long as you believe, you will be granted eternal life in heaven. I find it difficult to find anything spiritual in this. It's more of a desperate grasping at straws to enforce the illusion of personal immortality.
Christians also suffer from an illusion of 'being right'. They call themselves 'god's people', or 'the chosen people,' they claim to have the 'one true faith', and that their 2000-year old collection of misinterpreted stories is 'the Word of God'...
This implies that they have no reluctance about using force and coercion to enforce their will upon others. We can see this today in the area of sex and education. Christians try to deny women their right to abortions and force them into abstinence. Taking it even a step further, they attempt to force schools to educate children in their ridiculous creation myth. Of course, only the Christian creation myth is needed, because they have the one and only 'true' faith. Why not add some Native American creation myths to the mix? Oh wait, that doesn't push your evil Christian agenda on the world of course! Combine this with their anti-free speech stand and you have the perfect breeding ground for an authoritarian regime. Just think back at the time of the inquisition and the crusades. The death toll of the witch-hunts, inquisition, and crusades is estimated at more than 1 million casualties. Including women and children. No other religion has done better than that!
The cruelty of Christianity
Cruelty has always been one of the most prominent features of Christianity. The church has always encouraged self-torture and penance. Today, this takes the form of psychological self-torture. More precise, guilt. Guilt over natural sexual desires, guilt over not following the 'commandments' that their god forced upon them. But if we take a look at the history of Christianity, we see an enormous amount of torture and cruelty taking place in the name of god. Which shouldn't come as a surprise, given that the bible doesn't condemn torture and even prescribes horrific, cruel penalties, and that Christians approve self-torture. If you practice self-torture, it's only a small step to inflict this same cruelty onto others. During the height of Christianity, thousands of 'witches' and heretics were brutally tortured and burned alive.
Christianity's unhealthy view on sex and morality
Women are seen as property in the old testament. Just a quick glance at the ten commandments shows that Christianity has an unhealthy fixation on sex. One of the ten commandments says that you cannot cover your neighbor's wife. This to me indicates that they consider women to be property. Why doesn't it say you cannot covet your neighbor's husband? Is there any mention of slavery, torture, or cruelty in those commandments? Nope, that was all perfectly acceptable at that time. And people today are still looking at these commandments as truth. Combine this misogynistic world view with their belief that sex is 'evil' and against the law of god, and you have a recipe for disaster.
Humans are highly sexual beings by nature, and our urges do no fit in with the official Christian version of sex. Which is a monogamous and heterosexual version of it. But we all know that the everyday reality does not follow such a view on sex. According to Christianity, sex is only meant as a way to procreate. And it can only be done within the confinement of Christian marriage. What they do here is give you a license from the church and state to have sex. This completely crazy and unnatural idea gives rise to a whole new range of problems. How many times do you see religious figures in the news with yet another sex scandal? Well, that's what you get when you force people to suppress their urges. In the strict Christian view, even masturbation is forbidden.
This takes us to the view of homosexuality in the Christian world. They are condemned to a life of celibacy by the church, because of they indulge in their natural desires, they will be called 'sodomites.' Which, of course, results in an eternity in hell. This leads to many gay Christians living a lie, which results in a lifelong personal torture, or worse, suicide.
Religion as a human weakness
I do not want to bash the idea of religion, as I can see how it helps individual people cope with the futility of our existence. If your mind cannot comprehend existentialism, then religion is the perfect medicine. Or to quote Einstein:
“The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this for me.”
Here's a question for you. What kind of contribution can you expect from those that are unable to cope with reality without the crutch of make-believe mumbo jumbo? What do they have to give the world that is in any way positive for society? Besides their general uselessness, they are also dangerous and predatory.
Having a rational and secular perspective on the world avoids hatred and bigotry. We are opposed to harming people with another view or who might not agree with us. Yes, this also includes the religious.
Pagon origin of the Christanity
Christianity and Egyptian sun worshipping
The jesus seminar
Do you consider yourself Christian? What do you think of the real origin on this cult? Do you believe the scientific facts laid out before you, or do you rather belief a collection of ancient stories based on Pagan beliefs? Let me know in the comments!
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i'm more concerned about
Christianity is bad however it is NOTHING compared to the sociopathic criminally insane followers of the religion of Statism. These people have 3 agendas: theft, kidnapping and violence. Their religion must be made obsolete at all costs.
There are really only 2 possibilities for humanity:
A new Renaissance where the world is propelled into a mass awakening where hierarchies of the BORG and their control structures are made obsolete. Human interaction is done on a voluntary basis OR
Humanity faces the EXTINCTION of our Species. I'm in favor or the first option.
Crypto currency is one of the technologies that will usher in this new renaissance however it is not enough.
Currently most societal institutions make consistently unethical decisions because of a flawed decision making process known as majority rules.
John David Garcia and his protege Bob Podolsky discovered the link between creativity and ethics. They pioneered a new collaborative model with 5 fundamentals:
I agree. Sadly enough, the two are intertwined in a lot governments. This is an extremely dangerous position. Irrational beliefs combined with authoritarian power, recipe for disaster. I'd say the USA is a prime example of this!
Yes indeed~
The church and state are VERY closely related in basically EVERY country. If you look at history it is actually more common that not that the church is what establishes the culture and also those of influence within the government.
A very diabolical situation!
USA now looks like a prequel of Naci Germany in 1930-1935
Well said!
Sad/scary but VERY true!
Awesome info. It is really interesting how pagan religion was absorbed into Chrisitanity. I myself, prefer to Keep it Pagan
Keep it pagan, I love that. That would make for a great tshirt! :)
Eternal life, this is the one that grind my gears the most. Christian countries in particular have a terrible fear and approach to death partly I feel, due to the way that it has been portrayed by Christianity. Being judged, eternal damnation if not pious or good enough. This makes the passing of a loved ones far more traumatic than it has to be. Some countries notably where Christianity is not the dominant religion have such enlightened ways of discussing death and in turn dealing with it.
I've never been really religious. Okay, so I went to Sunday school and sang hymns in our school assemblies, but everyone did that and I don't think kids can judge what to believe. I know Christians and atheists who are good people, but there is a lot of evil done in the name of religions of all types. People can believe what they like, but shouldn't try to force that belief on others. It's another form of power that gets abused.
I was forced into that ritual as well. Baptized and all that shit. They force their views on kids, like they did to us. Which I think is scandalous and criminal. Luckily, we both were not completely brainwashed and were able to think critically about this. Others don't have that luxury however.
My kids have been brought up without religion and have turned out to be good people. You don't need faith to have morals. Christianity is a part of British culture, but I suspect most people don't really believe in it. Church attendance is pretty low and the Christian holidays are just an excuse for a day off and some consumerism. It's less a part of school life than in my day.
I agree that the Roman Empire corrupted the original message if Jesus.
This same process is also unfolding by Saudi rulers and ISIS with Islam.
However, I only had good experiences in following the message of Jesus written the Gospel.
He is an historical figure documented by Roman historians and therefore he existed historically as well as julius Caesar or cleopatra.
You may or may not believe that Jesus is the son of God or that it was not born on 25th December, but if you will open one of the four gospels you will find pearls of wisdom that could help you live a better and happier life.
You're absolutely right. I do believe Jesus existed. Similar to Siddhartha Gautama, he got turned into a god though. And I don't think it was something they were aiming for!
I think God is the force that created us out of the Big Bang and not an old man with a beard.
I also think that the best way to get in sync with that force is to love.
And this is what religion is all about.
I agree to some degree. I was involved in the christian cult before I was set free... The stories we hear about Jerusalem and such places, all happened in Africa many years ago. Persians (fake jews and the like) now control much of how people think in terms of history. Internett will help change how we perceive much of what we have been taught... Bless you
An intense post. I don't disagree with anything you say here. It is a diabolical truth that people around the world must begin to realize.
I could go on and on about how religion is used as a control mechanism and how inhibiting it is for the full on living of life.
Yet I would also say that the bible as a whole as many other religious texts has lots of valuable concepts/ideas/stories that when looked at objectively without the dogma have real value.
The real problem is not with the ideals of Christianity Per say but the Church and the very real abuse of power. Child trafficking, guilting people into conformity by exploiting their natural desires and biological prerogatives and more.
The whole system was designed for control and thus the ones that are operating in the church have been indoctrinated in this to perpetuate it.
Anyways I could write a whole post about this and just wanted to show some support and provide a bit of perspective to the post.
I will keep tuning in to what you have to bring to the community.
Best Regards~*~
Religion has always been the easiest and safest way for elites to have the masses subdued with all their promises of eternal life, God chastising the wicked etc. But in the end, if everyone uses there intelligence you will find that all religions are based on ideas not on facts, is there life after death? Nobody knows. Is there a heaven or Hell? Nobody knows. And yet millions of people have fought and many of these have died over something that is abstract, there is no proof for it. I am agnostic, I do hope there is a god, but since I can't prove it I don't try to shove my ideas on someone else. I might write them down, as I am doing now but I most certainly am not trying to convince you.
Why do you hope there is a god? What difference would that make in your life?
Maybe a lot, maybe there is a god who has a plan, whereas if we are just the creation of chance we are nothing, our whole life has no meaning except the few years we live here, so imagine those kids who die of starvation in many parts of the world, with no hope, are they here just so they can suffer for a few years? That I think is a great question, if there is nothing more than the few years we have here, we might as well live the best we can Regardless of whatever pain we cause others.
You should read the Satanic bible. It handles that exact subject!
Personally, I think life has no meaning, our existence is futile and we are the creation of chance.
If there is a god with a plan, isn't it extremely cruel of him to let kids die of starvation? The fact that such things still happen, prove to me there is no god. And if there is, I don't want to believe in one that allows all that horrible shit to happen.
Yes, I have thought that also and it has always been a problem for me, but maybe it is a god who just creates and has no actual feelings towards it's creations, I guess that is a possibility. Still your statement that it proves there is no god is I think to definite, there is always the chance that there just might be a god. What I definitely don't agree with is organized religion,mostly because as I've stated I think religions are made just to exert control, apart from that anything you believe is ok with me,. As for reading the Satanic bible I really think I am too prejudiced to do that, see even though I think I have an open mind about this I still have taboos.
As Lenin used to say, "Religion is opium for people". There are few religions not based on hatred, violence and women oppression. The happiest day on the world will be when churches and mosques are turned into schools and museums, and all people in the world think for themselves.
Almost all schools are hardcore institutionalization and propaganda indoctrination.
The education system of almost every country needs a major overhaul ESPECIALLY the USA.
I don't see that happen anytime soon, sadly enough. Even Buddhism has been hijacked into idolization. Siddhartha Gautama would not be pleased with it.
I have found this on wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Vatican_City
They are hiding money like a snake hiding legs
The Roman Catholic Church was the first organized criminal organization :)
Excellent post!
Thanks for sharing that.
If you have time please visit my also
have you read this?
Yeap, love Hitchens' stuff! He's the king of recking Christians with logic :)
Well, except maybe Islam.....
But the key here is that religion is harmful.
I wish it were considered harmful.
We have the words of Christ as written down by the apostles, and we have the band wagon that was created to keep the old covenant intact. It died with Christ on the cross, so to attack true Christianity, you should be attacking the words of Jesus.
Lots of Christians would say organised religion, especially Catholicism is a masquerade trying to divert people away from the true teachings set out in the New Testament.
While you have a fair attack on the religion that is sold to us as Christianity, you are to some extent fighting a stawman. What does Christ have to say about women? I think you’ll find, not what you’re saying.
Science lies to you every day of the week - why are children required to have vaccines? Why do the media bang on about global warming, which was rebranded to ‘climate change’ after the the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit was found faking its data. Plants need carbon-dioxide to photosensitise, so how can it be a bad thing?
Fair enough, you don’t believe Christ died on the cross, but don’t take science as your God, it laughs in your face as it makes up shit to steal your money and put you in poverty.
The state want to remove God, because it wants to remove law. And when law is gone, replaced completely by legislation (word tricks), then you’ll find out how rational their 'secular perspective’ really is.