You are a wise and compassionate man. I salute you for it. Your ability to converse so well in a language not of your birth is impressive enough, but you do so better than most American college graduates!
However, Christ does not need our compassion. He needs our obedience. Not that we should ever cease to reflect on his suffering; WE SHOULD, and certainly not that we should not work for peace. WE MUST. Indeed, we are commanded to work for peace.
However, we know that the only perfect system of government will be a direct theocracy, and we simply are not there yet.
"...To create the architecture of public systems where the state minimizes participation in people's lives," has been the goal of government theoreticians since the time of the Greek city-states. We nearly achieved that here in the USA with our republican (Greek-modeled) system before the monopolists corrupted it, beginning in about the 1880s. The Rockefellers essentially destroyed the greatest experiment in self-government since Athens with their oil-based financial, cum political, powers.
To me, having 200+ different countries is the best fail-safe mechanism we have against total global tyranny. The ones who worship Lucifer and who rule this current world desperately want their foretold world government. They must disarm the American people first, but then they will have it. No amount of "blockchain this" and "anarchical that" is going to stop them.
I want to be on the right side (the resistance) when they succeed, and I hope you will be with me.