in #life7 years ago (edited)

Venezuela We are ...

My country is not tyranny, it is not the thieves, much less the ignorant. Venezuela is all of us, we want to be free in the streets, live in safety and not see how our government steals us, while they fill up saying they love their people, there is no time for discouragement, it is time to be strong. I speak to all of us who remain frustrated here because we can not fulfill each of our dreams, we have to be brave, the country is not one of the few ignorant people who thought that life would be arranged for a bag of food, that to tell the truth more are the months that they spend being hungry, or that they would do better with a card.

Venezuela is not of the military who think they show force mistreating their people, it is sad to see evil and support it, to see injustice and be a part of it, to see how our people died and die, as children sleep in the street, to see hospitals crumble ...

Venezuela are those who dream of a country of possibilities and those of us who are here looking to survive in this socialism that failed, and we continue to dream of a tomorrow free of this virus.

It has been hard, yes, they have hurt us, but we will get through ... all those people defending our right to freedom, we must build our future and not depend on bribes and crumbs of our leaders, we want to stop surviving and start living again ...