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RE: Shooting In Discotheque - People Dead And Injured

in #life8 years ago

I guess it really depends on what you said to be called a nazi. On one hand there are people that take any bad word against immigrants personally and call everyone a nazi and on the other hand you have "concerned citizen" that use every little bad word about immigrants to let their hate and frustration out. I think both sides are wrong and I really believe that most people are stuck in the middle.
There are literally millions of immigrants coming to Europe. Not thousand but millions. If hundreds or a few thousand of those misbehave or commit a crime what do we have then? 0.1% to 1% of all immigrants? Just one news about one immigrant committing a crime and the hate juices are flowing again. Hating on all immigrants is in my opinion pretty bad. You have to consider that not only criminals flee but also teachers, doctors, children, lawyers and bankers. There are people of all parts of the society and most of them behave and integrate and you do not notice them.
So, whats wrong and what can we do about it? First of all we should stop america and russia from having their stupid proxy war on their playground called middle east. Because of their stupid fight for resources people are loosing everything and are flooding Europe. They US nor russia will take any of them in. We should improve our handling with immigrants too, sort through them faster, integrate them faster and of course throw out anyone not abiding to our laws or at least lock them up.
Many major incidents could have been prevented and that is pretty much the fault of our politicians. Laws need to be made to protect all of us and stop this madness. You know, you fool me once shame on you, you fool me twice shame on me. By now everything should be working but it isn't.


Totally agree with you!!!!! Thats the thing, I have waited for an answer like this! I like to help immigrants and if my country wouldnt be safe, I would love to get help by others! The problem is, that Germany allows every human who look mediterranean to come and live here even if they havent got any proof that the person is or isnt safe in his/her country. Helping immigrants is a wonderful thing but many refugees make a bad use of it.

The regulation is part of the problem and nobody is improving it. We know exactly were the problems are but we are not fixing them, the question is why?