Hello dear Hivers!
It has been a tough eight months since my last post. Today, I´ll be sharing a devastating event in my life, a shocking event that made me feel so numb, shattered and deprived of all my senses. My body shivered seeing my husband suffering a cardiac arrest that night in September of last year.

What happened...?
We celebrated a DIY project we´ve finished the week before. That project had been my husband´s computer table with lots of compartments he needed for his files. So far so good, and we decided to celebrate after its completion days after and went out for lunch on that Friday. After lunch, we were heading to the parking lot... when crossing the street, I noticed something different in him, he was kinda having grey face, he paused awhile and was catching his breath. I wanted to call an ambulance and he said he´d be fine ....I asked him to stay on foot while I went to get the car so he need not walk that far. At home, he rested and felt good by then. After we streamed a movie that evening, he went to check on his computer. I was cleaning the kitchen when I heard a peculiar sound that came from where he was sitting ...I saw him almost falling off his chair. I ran towards him and I immediately knew he was having a cardiac arrest as there were foams coming from his mouth and then he became unconscious.
I tried getting him off the chair to settle him on the floor so I could give a heart massage. He gained weight during the last two decades since he stopped smoking, and by pulling him out of the chair, it skidded and we both fell off the floor and the chair landed on my left foot. The emergency hotline guy instructed me to keep on massaging his heart until help came. After a few minutes, the doctor and 7 paramedics came in in two ambulances as well as 4 police officers.
They used a defibrillator, made epinephrine infiltration and all other methods of resuscitation, but sadly he didn't make it. I think he passed away immediately before help came. The years before, he had stents inserted in his arteries and had an open heart surgery. I thought I was losing him 7 years before seeing him at the ER connected to a life saving machine… He recovered though until that devastating September day. I was numbed, trembling, so frightened thinking of the fact that it happened so suddenly and I was left alone instantly! I was panicking, he had been a pillar taking care of everything ... I was not ready for it! What am I supposed to do now after spending 40 years of my life with him?!
My foot broke...
Three days after the devastating event, I went to the hospital to have my foot examined and it turned out that the bone in my left foot broke. They put a cast on my left leg and told me to think about whether I would undergo an operation so that a metal brace would connect the broken parts.

After weeks, I decided to have a conservative healing process which meant that I opted and let the broken foot heal on its own. I had a special shoe plus crutches and it helped me to move a bit around the flat. After a couple of months, the x-ray showed that the broken parts were healing slowly and I could walk without support... although I still have pain now and then.
Health issues
This devastation gave me health issues as I lost weight of 10 kilos in 10 days after that very sadful event. The days passed by and I was losing more and more kilos. I couldn´t eat properly, everything was tasteless and my stomach suffered. An endoscopic examination resulted in a stomach disorder. I was having a tough depression, angst and tremors that made my blood pressure spike everyday. My blood pressure had always been normal. I was asked by my internist to consult a neurologist/psychiatrist which I did and he gave me very good medicines that are really vital for my recovery. I am still in the process of recovering physically and mentally, but I am progressing day by day as far as my health is concerned.
I take long walks nearby and do exercises daily to recover the lost weight particularly the affected muscles
During my ordeal in the first 3 months, I lost a total of 18 kilos and tried very hard to work on my deteriorating muscles. . I take vitamin supplements and eat a healthy diet. My weight is now stable at 65 kgs which actually had been my ideal weight. I visited almost all medical specialists to see if everything is ok and thankfully everything is under control. Good thing is that all consultations and therapy here in Vienna are free of any charges since social insurance takes care of all costs and sometimes even the prescription costs.
In my recovery, I have been meeting old friends as well as having communications with my family and friends here and around the globe. It is hard to be alone at this stage in my life when I was used to having someone by my side for 40 years who had been vital in our life´s well being. It is tough, but I know I will fully recover with a strong will and with the help of my family and friends who are always there to talk to me and cheer me up.

Nature has always been my refuge... I savor the calmness of the surroundings which is so vital in my emotional health. Vienna offers many Parks and these are places I go to often which started at the turn of the New Year . The solitude and the quietness is so priceless and you can meditate for as long as you want. Slowly, my health is recovering as I enjoy the serenity and the joy of simple walking to and from my point of destination.
All of us will surely have our time on earth and while we are still alive and kicking, we should take good care of ourselves, enjoy the moments with family and friends and be kind to everyone.
I thank these Hivers who gave me their encouragement, support and condolences during my ordeal: @carolynstahl @justinparke @arcange @dswigle @stayoutoftherz @luvnlyf @olivia08 and many others, you know who you are. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

My latest photo taken at home(4/2023)
DE ( German Version)
Hallo liebe Hivers!
Es waren harte acht Monate seit meinem letzten Beitrag. Heute werde ich über ein verheerendes Ereignis in meinem Leben berichten, ein schockierendes Ereignis, das mich wie betäubt gemacht hat. Mein Körper zitterte, als ich sah, wie mein Mann in dieser Nacht einen Herzstillstand erlitt.

Was ist geschehen?
Wir feierten ein (DIY) Heimwerkerprojekt, das wir in der Woche zuvor abgeschlossen hatten. Dieses Projekt war sein Computertisch mit vielen Fächern, die er für seine Dateien brauchte. So weit, so gut, und wir beschlossen, nach der Fertigstellung zu feiern, und gingen an diesem Freitag zum Mittagessen. Nach dem Mittagessen waren wir auf dem Weg zum Parkplatz... als ich die Straße überquerte, bemerkte ich, dass etwas an ihm anders war, er hatte eine Art graues Gesicht, hielt eine Weile inne und holte Luft. Ich wollte einen Krankenwagen rufen, aber er sagte, es ginge ihm gut. .... Ich bat ihn, zu Fuß zu bleiben, während ich das Auto holte, damit er nicht so weit laufen musste. Zu Hause ruhte er sich aus und fühlte sich inzwischen gut. Nachdem wir an diesem Abend einen Film gestreamt hatten, ging er an seinen Computer, um nachzusehen. Ich räumte gerade die Küche auf, als ich ein seltsames Geräusch hörte und sah, wie er fast von seinem Stuhl fiel. Ich rannte zu ihm und wusste sofort, dass er einen Herzstillstand hatte, da er Schaum vor dem Mund hatte und er wurde bewusstlos.
Ich versuchte, ihn vom Stuhl zu heben und ihn auf den Boden zu setzen, damit ich ihm eine Herzmassage geben konnte. Er hatte in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten, seit er mit dem Rauchen aufgehört hatte, an Gewicht zugelegt, und als ich ihn aus dem Stuhl zog, rutschte dieser und wir beide fielen den Boden hinunter, wobei der Stuhl auf meinem linken Fuß landete. Der Mitarbeiter der Notrufzentrale wies mich an, sein Herz weiter zu massieren, bis Hilfe käme. Nach ein paar Minuten kamen der Arzt und 7 Sanitäter in zwei Krankenwagen sowie 4 Polizeibeamte.
Sie setzten einen Defibrillator ein, verabreichten Epinephrin und alle anderen Wiederbelebungsmethoden, aber leider hat er es nicht geschafft. Ich glaube, er verstarb unmittelbar bevor Hilfe kam. In den Jahren zuvor waren ihm Stents in die Arterien eingesetzt worden und er hatte eine Operation am offenen Herzen. Ich dachte, ich würde ihn verlieren, 7 Jahre bevor ich ihn in der Notaufnahme an eine lebensrettende Maschine angeschlossen sah... Er erholte sich jedoch, bis dieser verheerende Tag kam. Ich war wie betäubt, zitterte und hatte große Angst, als ich daran dachte, dass es so plötzlich passierte und ich sofort allein gelassen wurde! Ich geriet in Panik, er war eine Stütze gewesen und hatte sich um alles gekümmert ... Ich war nicht darauf vorbereitet! Was soll ich jetzt tun, nachdem ich 40 Jahre meines Lebens mit ihm verbracht habe?!
Mein Fuß brach...

Drei Tage nach dem verheerenden Ereignis ging ich ins Krankenhaus, um meinen Fuß untersuchen zu lassen, und es stellte sich heraus, dass der Knochen in meinem linken Fuß gebrochen war. Sie legten mir einen Gips an und sagten mir, ich solle darüber nachdenken, ob ich mich einer Operation unterziehen solle, um die gebrochenen Teile mit einer Metallschiene zu verbinden.
Ich entschied mich für einen konservativen Heilungsprozess, was bedeutete, dass ich mich dafür entschied, den gebrochenen Fuß von selbst heilen zu lassen. Ich hatte einen speziellen Schuh und Krücken, die mir halfen, mich in der Wohnung ein wenig zu bewegen. Nach ein paar Monaten zeigte das Röntgenbild, dass die gebrochenen Teile langsam heilten und ich ohne Stütze gehen konnte... obwohl ich immer noch ab und zu Schmerzen habe.
Diese Erschütterung führte zu gesundheitlichen Problemen, da ich nach diesem traurigen Ereignis innerhalb von 10 Tagen 10 Kilo abnahm. Die Tage vergingen und ich verlor mehr und mehr Kilos. Ich konnte nicht mehr richtig essen, alles war geschmacklos und mein Magen litt. Eine endoskopische Untersuchung ergab eine Magenstörung. Ich litt unter schweren Depressionen, Ängsten und Zittern, die meinen Blutdruck täglich in die Höhe schnellen ließen. Mein Blutdruck war immer normal gewesen. Mein Internist bat mich, einen Neurologen/Psychiater aufzusuchen, was ich auch tat, und er gab mir sehr gute Medikamente, die für meine Genesung wirklich wichtig sind. Ich bin immer noch dabei, mich körperlich und geistig zu erholen, aber ich mache Tag für Tag Fortschritte, was meine Gesundheit betrifft.
Ich mache täglich lange Spaziergänge und Übungen, um das verlorene Gewicht, insbesondere die Muskeln, wieder aufzubauen.
Und während meines Leidensweges in den ersten 3 Monaten habe ich insgesamt 18 Kilo abgenommen und mich sehr bemüht, an meinen schwindenden Muskeln zu arbeiten. Ich nehme Vitaminpräparate ein und ernähre mich gesund. Mein Gewicht liegt jetzt stabil bei 65 kg, was eigentlich mein Idealgewicht war. Ich war bei fast allen Fachärzten, um zu sehen, ob alles in Ordnung ist, und zum Glück ist alles unter Kontrolle. Das Gute ist, dass alle Beratungen und Therapien hier in Wien kostenlos sind, da die Sozialversicherung alle Kosten und manchmal sogar die Rezeptkosten übernimmt.
Während meiner Genesung habe ich alte Freunde wiedergetroffen und mit meiner Familie und meinen Freunden hier und in der ganzen Welt Kontakt gehabt. Es ist schwer, in dieser Phase meines Lebens allein zu sein, wo ich es doch gewohnt war, 40 Jahre lang jemanden an meiner Seite zu haben, der für unser Wohlergehen entscheidend war. Es ist hart, aber ich weiß, dass ich mich mit einem starken Willen und mit Hilfe meiner Familie und Freunde, die immer da sind, um mit mir zu reden und mich aufzumuntern, vollständig erholen werde.

Die Natur war schon immer mein Zufluchtsort... Ich genieße die Ruhe der Umgebung, die so wichtig für meine emotionale Gesundheit ist. In Wien gibt es viele Parks, und diese Orte besuche ich seit dem Jahreswechsel regelmäßig. Die Einsamkeit und die Stille sind so unbezahlbar und man kann so lange meditieren, wie man will. Langsam erholt sich meine Gesundheit, während ich die Ruhe und die Freude genieße, einfach zu Fuß zu meinem Zielort zu gehen.
Jeder von uns wird seine Zeit auf der Erde haben, und solange wir noch am Leben sind, sollten wir gut auf uns aufpassen, die Momente mit Familie und Freunden genießen und freundlich zu allen sein.

Ich danke diesen Menschen, die mich während meines Leidensweges ermutigt, unterstützt und mir ihr Beileid ausgesprochen haben: @carolynstahl @justinparke @arcange @dswigle @stayoutoftherz @luvnlyf @olivia08 und viele andere, ihr wisst wer ihr seid. Ich danke euch aus tiefstem Herzen!
Danke an alle, die meine Geschichte lesen. Ich wünsche allen eine tolle Woche!

All photos were taken and owned by @mers

Losing your spouse is devastating. I will never forget your devastation and how helpless it made me feel. There is never a right or wrong way to grieve. Sometimes you just don't have the words to say that will be a comfort, but, I found that sometimes just being there can be more meaningful than the right words. There are no words, to be honest.
You have been on top of your health and healing - something so important, yet, overlooked many times. It makes me so happy to see this. You look good and better, you sound good. I am glad you took the needed time to feel again. ❤️ Just know we are all still here.
I'm so sorry you had to go through this, but, I am so glad you are back. ❤️
Thank you for your concern dear, you´re always there to comfort everyone and I am one of those who loves to read your lovely words of wisdom. The healing is slow but I know I will make it thru all your encouragements. So glad to have you in my world!
Slow is definitely okay! It hurts because you loved so much, otherwise, if you did not, it would not hurt so bad, ❤️
I am so glad to share your world, always. That is such a wonderful picture of the two of you.
I am glad to hear that the bones have made a natural healing. Thank you for reaching out on Hive and reconnecting with everyone! People care and want to help you as you continue to heal.
Be well, @mers and keep in touch with us all! ❤️
Thank you so much dear Denise. I´ll keep in touch.
Oh my gosh! Nooooooo!
Struggling to find the right words to type at the moment @mers💔
I randomly looked you up and read your post -- totally unprepared and shocked to hear of the devastating loss of your beloved husband. I am so terribly sorry for your loss.😢 Hope your foot mends quickly and without further issues.
God bless the soul of your husband of 40 years. Stay strong. Prayers for you and your loved ones, my dear friend! ✝️🕊✝️
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Have some !LOLZ too! 😁
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@ninahaskin...Thank you so much dear Nina. I am still struggling now but the depression is subsiding, I just need time to realize the situation of being alone. Your comforting words help a lot for me to move on. Take care my dear friend, glad to have you in my world. Love, Mers
Feel free to reach out anytime you want! @mers❤❤❤
Thank you so much dear friend, I know you are always there for me and I appreciate that! Sending hugs!
I am sorry to be responding to this post so late. I do remember getting an update from you a few months ago. I knew you were going through some tough times, and I can't even imagine the pain of your loss. I am in the USA now and have been traveling for a few weeks, so it's been tough to keep up with Hive. It is good to see you active again on Hive, and I thank you for sharing this painful story with us all. Sometimes it is therapy to simply put your feelings into text form.
I hope things get brighter for you and I look forward to seeing you again in ASEAN Hive when you have time, we all miss your presence.
Thank you so much my friend..yes, things are better now and I am coping and progressing everyday particularly with my health. I will be back soon in our community ASAP. I am missing Hive a lot and in those 8 months of being alone, I couldn't dare to write anything..am glad I made the first move to write.
I hope everything's fine there with your US family. I wish you and your girls all the best, stay cool always. Many lovely greetings from Vienna!
I am so happy to see you are looking much better now compared to last September. I feel what you have been through, it is difficult to lose a very loved especially since it has always been the two of you in almost everything you do. Stay on top of your health, welcome back to Hive, and looking forward to seeing you and vacationing together. Always here for you my dearest friend.
Thank you amiga... me too, glad to see you again here. I am trying my best for my health. I know you are always there for me. Hope to see you again, who knows I´ll come to Cali one day! Looking forward to that day!
You are a hero. It must be so difficult to relive this trauma. I think that finally being able to share your story will help you to move toward healing your heart. I know there is nothing anyone could say to make things the same as they were.
I really can't imagine how I could get through something like that. You should be an inspiration to some folks that are upset over small things. This is true survival.
I am so happy to hear from you again. You are always in my thoughts. Hopefully you will be able to join us again. It may be good therapy to participate more often. I appreciate that you mentioned me. It really touches my heart.
I'm sending warm wishes and imagining you wrapped in peace. I wish for your days to give you more and more strength my friend. Take care.❤️
Hello my dear friend Carolyn! It´s lovely to hear your comforting and lovely words and I am most glad that I am seeing you here. Yeah, that´s why I cname forward and start to write again. I have to come out of my shell to finally move on. Thank you so much for your thoughts , appreciate it! Now, I am counting the days to see new inspirations from your recipes. Thank you too for the warm wishes...sending virtual hugs and see you soon dear friend.
I'm really sorry for your loss dear @mers, my deepest condolences. It's never easy to lose someone and you git your health issues as well. However, you're a strong woman and I see you're already on the right track. I'm glad to see you again on Hive. Take care my friend ❤️
Hello my dear Erikah, thank you so much! Thank you too for your encouragements and I will be looking forward to your inspirational posts. Take care too, my dear!
Servus @mers,
hab es erst jetzt gesehn daher:
Mein herzliches Beileid!
Wichtig ist, und das hätte deine Liebe auch gewollt,
dass das Leben für dich weitergeht!!
Das zeigst du uns bereits sehr eindrucksvoll, mit diesem Post!
Schön wieder mal was von dir gelesen zu haben...
Ps.: Vielleicht trifft man sich mal beim Meetup in Wien!
lg PGM , mit etwas hiqvote 🤠
Edit, sorry der Lolz war nicht beabsichtigt....
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
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@reiseamateur...Gruß Dich! Hallo, es ist sehr schön, wieder von dir zu hören. Ja, es wird ein spannendes Treffen in Wien und ich werde mein Bestes geben, um wieder dabei zu sein. Ich hoffe, dir und deiner Frau geht es gut. Also, lass uns wieder in Kontakt treten. Danke für deine Anteilnahme. Servus!
but then I turned myself around.
Credit: theabsolute
Rumor has it The LOLZ Project runs on !PIZZA @mers, I sent you an on behalf of @reiseamateur
Thank you so much, appreciate the token.
Life really deals us big and unexpected blows, but it's good to hear that you're on the mend. Looking good in the photograph.
Take good care of yourself 🙏🌹Hi @mers, I am so sorry to hear about the sad and sudden loss of your husband, and that you still had to cope with the foot injury!
Hi Lizelle! Thank you so much and am glad to see you here and am looking forward to be in the community again. I appreciate your coming here and leaving lovely words. Hope to see you soon my dear!
I look forward to seeing you back here again, take good care of yourself @mers
Thanks for the encouragements... Have a nice Monday!
Bin in einer ähnlichen Situation. Ich wünsche Dir viel Kraft. Schön, dass Du in der Natur und in der Ruhe kraft tanken kannst.
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Thanks a lot @prinzvalium for the LUV.
Hallo @prinzvalium! Vielen Dank für deine lieben Kommentare. Meine Wohnung ist von vielen Bäumen und Wiesen umgeben und ich bin Mutter Natur wirklich dankbar, denn allein der Anblick dieses Grüns gibt mir meinen Verstand zurück. Bin froh dass du hier bist...man sieht sich und wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Abend!
Tut mir so so so so leid .......Wahnsinn!!!
RIP! Einen Partner zu verlieren ist schrecklich!!!
Ic habe meine Mutter verloren vor Kurzem :(
Ich habe auch eine sehr komplizierte Operation hinter mir und weiss wie schwer es ist sich wieder zu erfangen.
Würde mich auf einen Kennenlernen sehr freuen
Das mit Deiner Mutter tut mir leid, mein herzliches Beileid.
Es ist schwer, unsere Gesundheit zu erhalten, vor allem wenn man älter wird (lol).... Ich kämpfe immer noch schwer mit einigen gesundheitlichen Problemen.
Ich freue mich darauf, wieder an dem Treffen teilzunehmen, vor allem werden wir uns persönlich sehen und kennen...Gute Besserung...Danke vielmals und bis bald.
Your foot! I forgot to ask about your foot. How is it doing?
Hello Denise! It is slowly healing my dear! The last X-ray showed that the broken parts got connected on its own. Still have spontaneous pain though... I miss you and your Market Friday! I will soon post something.
Thanks for your concern, do take care and have a good week ahead! Love, @mers
Thank you! Love to you!❤️
The suffering you endured from losing someone and living alone during the past few months is indescribable. I'm happy to see you back once more! I hope the injury to your foot is already healing. Stay healthy po!
Salamat dear Cindee! Yes, I am recovering slowly and I hope tuloy tuloy na... thank you for welcoming me back in the platform. See you around and take care!
Life an endless path of change when we least expect it. Healing oneself found in nature, where thoughts will roam ever questioning. Keep strong in the good memories you shared together.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 28/88) Liquid rewards.
@tipu....Many thanks for the liquid rewards, appreciate it!
That is very true my dear Joan. Am trying my best for my health, the devastation was enorm and I was not prepared for it. At any rate, thank you for coming over, reading my post and leaving lovely comments.
Thank you for the curation too, appreciate it!
Something we never expect, somehow keep going!
Take care and good to see you starting to find a way back, writing also helps express part of the emotion and turmoil. !LUV
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Thank you dear Joan!
That is very true my dear Joan. Am trying my best for my health, the devastation was enorm and I was not prepared for it. At any rate, thank you for coming over, reading my post and leaving lovely comments.
Thank you for the curation too, appreciate it!
Oh no, my condolences. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope your foot continues to mend!
Thank you my dear, I have been missing all of you here. I just needed to have my sanity to be able to write the first lines, lol! My foot will be ok for sure, just needs time to heal. Have a great new week!
Hi Madame. I don't know you but reading this made me emotional and cried in front of my screen. I hope you're feeling better now. Virtual hugs. <3
Thank you for your lovely and comforting word.... Neighbor diay ta, duol ra tang duha, taga Cebu pud ko and among clan naa sa Guadalupe, Cebu City. Hope enjoy ka diha. Amping pirmi!
Maayo man Bisaya ra pod diay ka madame :D
Taga diin man ka sa Cebu?
Sa Naga, madame.
Lol, ayaw pag madane oi, Te mers man na tawag nila nako ...naa mi GC sa FB, kasagaran pud mga bisdak... Tell me kung gusto ka mu apil if naa ka FB.
Hehe, o sige te mers. hello, te mers! naa ra pod koy fb.
Liebe Mers, es tut mir leid zu hören was du in den letzten Monaten durchmachen musstest.
Ich denke darüber zu schreiben ist auch sehr heilsam? Und grosse Parks wie wir sie in Österreich haben sind immer ein guter Ort für die Seele ❤️ irgendwie bringen sie Ordnung in unser Innerstes.
Alles Liebe !LUV
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Thank you, that´s lovely and I appreciate that!
Hallo liebe @beeber...Das ist wahr, deshalb habe ich mich zusammengerissen und den ersten Schritt getan, um diesen Beitrag zu schreiben. Ich danke Dir für deine tröstenden Worte. Ja, wir haben Glück, dass wir in einem grünen Land leben. Danke auch für die LUV token. Mach's gut und danke dass du da bist...!
Gerne ❤️
War bestimmt nicht einfach darüber zu schreiben, aber der erste Schritt ist getan, hast du gut gemacht
Danke vielmals!
Thanks you are now blogging again. I really missed your blog post and you have overcome the most tragic in our lifetime.
Hello Judy! Yeah, am trying to slowly recover and blogging will help me a lot especially in my sanity. Thanks for a lovely comment. Be blessed my dear!
Losing someone so dear to us is never easy, may he continues to rest in peace, and may you continue to find the strength and courage to live on.
I wish you ❤a very quick recovery and that you fight and win through all of this. !luv
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Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment, I truly appreciate it... and also thank you for the LUV token.
You are welcome ❤ ❤❤
You are always welcome dear Inday and I couldn't forget that day. I was shocked and I was worried about your health everyday. Thanks God you survived being alone and so grateful to your neighbor who is being with you. May He rest in peace and soon you can go home in the Philippines for vacation
God bless you, strong woman.
I guess I should do more walking til I drop, but no worries, am trying hard though. Thank you for your concern my dear. Be blessed always!
Hi Te Mers! Virtual hugs! 🤗
I know loosing someone we dearly loved is not easy especially if he/she is our pillar of strength.
But glad to see you writing here again and slowy recovering from the devastating incident. ❤️
Yes darl, I need to write again to wake up for the lost time. I was missing Hive already but did not have the guts to try writing again. My mind was not ready yet the last 8 months. Thank you for a lovely comment.
@reiseamateur, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/5) and will start the voting trail.
In addition, @mers gets !PIMP from @hiq.redaktion.
Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our
Thank you so much for the PIMP token.
I am so deeply sorry for your loss, I can only imagine how difficult it has been for you, but it is good to read that you are taking it a day at a time and recovering. I hope that your foot is now healed up and that you keep going for your walks. Stay strong. 🌿
Thank you so much. Nice of you visiting and leaving lovely comments. My foot will soon heal and I am taking it slowly with the walking. Wishing you a great week ahead!
Congratulations @mers!
You raised your level and are now a Dolphin!
Check out our last posts:
Thank you @hivebuzz for the new level...
Many thanks @arcange...
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/5) @lolzbot tipped @reiseamateur
Thank you.