Typical Aceh Seukleut Fruit is now increasingly rare

in #life6 years ago

Buah adalah salah satu sumber vitamin dan anti-dioksidan bagi tubuh manusia, tergantung buah apa dan mengandung apa. Namun semua buah mengandung vitamin dan juga Anti-dioksidan.
Taukah kalian buah satu ini? Buah ini namanya "Boh Seukleut" buah Seukleut dalam penamaan lokal di Aceh.

Fruit is one source of vitamins and anti-dioxidants for the human body, depending on what fruit and what it contains. Yet all fruits contain vitamins as well as Anti-oxidants.
Do you know this one fruit? This fruit is called "Seokleut Boh" of Seukleut fruit in local naming in Aceh.


Ciri buah ini diantaranya:
-Berbentuk bulat
-Warna hijau kecoklatan ketika masih muda dan -Merah ketika sudah tua
-Terdapat biji ukuran biji salak, 2-4 biji dalam satu buah
-tekstur bijinya keras
-Tekstur daging buah seukleut lembut dan rasanya enak.

Seukleut fruit is widely available in Aceh, especially in the region and surrounding Meureudu. This fruit is increasingly more rare day found in the home and forest.
When I take a small fruit of this fruit abundant in Meureudu, we sometimes collect as many as many seuknya fruit for sale.

The characteristics of this fruit include:
-Round shape
-Colour green color when young and -Red when old
-The seeds of seed size of bark, 2-4 seeds in one fruit

  • the seed texture is hard
    -The texture of the fruit flesh is as soft and tastes good.


Nah .. bagi Anda yang ingin mengkonsumsi buah ini Wajib mengetahui hal ini:

  1. Sikat bulu-bulunya sampai bersih
  2. Kelupas kulit luar
  3. Makanlah soft danging
  4. Ambil benih yang baik untuk dibudidayakan.

Well .. for those of you who want to consume this Obligate know this

  1. Brush the bristles clean
  2. Remove the outer skin
  3. Eat soft danging
  4. Take the good seed untum cultivated.


Pohon seukleut batatangnya tinggi menjulang apabila sudah besar dan tekstur kulit batang sangat keras, memiliki sistem perakaran tunggal, akar-akar sampingnya keras dan besar.
daunnya memanjang dan runcing diujung dan berbulu.
hanya ini pemahaman kali ini semoga bermanfaat.

The tall stems of a tree loom high when it is large and the leather texture is very hard, has a single root system, the roots are hard and large.
the leaves are long and pointed and hairy.
only this understanding this time may be useful.

Photo and description by @mfaisalyusuf

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