I was wondering where you were living during this process!
I found the most liberating thing is to live to the audience of One. I have seen people that wonder if they walked out of God’s plan. I think we out too much credence on our part. He knows we are but dust! Psalm 103.
The good news He has a hold on us!
Jud 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
He’s got us! He has you! God even loves and cares for your family more than you!
What I have found is God likes it when we keep moving. Delight in Him, acknowledging Him in all your ways amd He will make your paths straight.
Like steering a car. If it is not moving you can turn the wheel all you want and no change of direction. But is it is moving, a little turn of the wheel changes the direction of the car. So with our life. We purpose to please God. He steers us as we go!
We wind up at our destination, not because of our wisdom, but because of His Faithfulness!
I saw a guy build just a basement. Did EPDM roof over just the basement. He lived there with his family for years! His priorities were a little strange. While living in the basement He put in an I ground swimming pool and the nicest shop.
But later built a nice house above. While living in the basement area. If you are using the insilated forms. Would work!
Purchasing a used mobile home and selling it when you are finished, probably for the same price. If it were me, I would do something like either one of these.
Praying! Really sincerely praying for you like it was my own family.
God bless!
This is what we lived in here. I built, except for the siding and roof, out of materials off of the land. A mahogany tree for floor and inside paneling. This is still in use for a kitchen. My wife, our son and I lived in this for 1 1/2 years.