some things that destroy your strength and mental abilities stop doing

in #life7 years ago

There are some people who have been gifted by God with great mental power and wisdom to make them behave in the most difficult things and people turn to them for advice about their lives. But to maintain your mental abilities and to become stronger in your mental abilities, Avoid doing these things.


* Thinking in the past:

The wise focus their thinking on the present moment and the near future They understand well that what happened in the past will remain in the past and can not be changed or controlled and the distant future lies in the knowledge of the unseen that no one knows so live every moment as the last moment in your life.

* Falling in love with the safety zone:

The safety zone is the most dangerous place on the mind. When you love sitting in this abyss for a long time, you lose a lot of your abilities. Being in the safety zone means that you give up to death while you are alive and to maintain your mental strength. Security zone.

* Not listening to the opinions of others:

The only fools are those who believe that their opinion is the only one that counts. When you sit with a lot of people to think about something you will see a lot of ideas but the good idea remains a good idea even if you are not the one to think about it and never refuse advice from anyone.

* Avoidance of change:

What the wise know well that the time of the situation of the shop whenever they tried to resist change is coming one day inevitably and therefore resistance to change in the eyes of the wise is a waste of time and effort. Change in general can strengthen your ability to maintain your mental strength.

* Keep closed The prospects:

Whatever you try you will not be able to know everything Even the things that you think you know well may not be true or completely true And if you kept yourself away from evolution You can not learn anything new Which means you will stop life.

* To let others decide for you:

You are the only one who must make decisions in your life and do not allow others to decide for you. This will move the responsibility for you to someone else. Ultimately, however, the results will be borne by you and not by the decision maker. You can succeed

* Hatred on the successful:

It is normal to feel jealous of the successful but this is a joy to push you to further progress, but to turn into hatred is unacceptable, success of others does not mean failure may be another opportunity for your success or lessons that benefit you in general will push you to more Progress.

* Think of the great potential for failure:

our thoughts turn into beliefs which in turn turn into actions and actions that lead to results. The wise know this rule well so they take their ideas as a force for them. There is always a chance to fail, but there is also a chance for success. Try to focus on it as much as possible.

* Life is difficult, there are a lot of obstacles:

people are hurt and people are dying. Life is not all roses and silk. You will fall again, again and again. You must have the courage and strength to continue your life and the feeling that you are a victim will never help.

* Focus on the weaknesses of the opponents:

Although the pressure on the weaknesses of others has a profitable outcome, but focus on your strengths has stronger results and more profitable. A person who knows his weaknesses and strength well is able to know what he wants? What should he do? It will not help you too much to know the weaknesses of others to defeat them, in the end you will remain weak as well.

* Trying to please others:

will not agree with you all the people must find those who oppose you and does not mean that your idea is bad, but the difference created in each person in us, as the ancients to satisfy people is not aware of and satisfy God is an end do not leave.

* Blame yourself for something beyond your control:

The wise know that things that fall outside their control, such as geebies, stop thinking about them and leave them entirely in the hands of the strongest. God is the master of things and the world of the unseen, yet they can think of these things to control their thoughts. Good faith in God always gives you psychological comfort.

* Not to be patient:

patience is not only virtue, but the key to the vagina as they say. People do not fall into failure because they are not good enough and not because they are not able to succeed, but because they have not been patient enough and surrendered early or even just before success.

* Trying to be incomprehensible:

Communication is the key to the functioning of the system correctly. When the communication system fails, things become complicated among people, and the information is not sufficiently important. The messages are not understood by people. This is what he knows very well. Patience to remove any misunderstanding.

* Feeling that everyone is indebted to your happiness:

You alone do not deserve all the happiness in the world I was born in this world and all the pursuit is located on your own alone and life is not a city for you. Similarly, others do not owe you anything, and if you want something in this world.

* Repeating mistakes:

The mistake is not the problem, the biggest problem is to repeat the mistake again in the same way without learning from the above, such as going back to the drug or smoking again and again, this indicates stupidity.

* Surrender to your fears:

The world may be a scary place. You may be afraid of some things for some reason but you will find that most of our fears are not logical. If you feel that you want to try something new, try what is the problem and if you feel afraid of it, know that the fear of failure and this kind of fear must challenge and achieve success on your own.

* Moving without logic:

To be wise and to maintain your mental strength must prepare a good kit for each movement by understanding the situation in which you are well.

* Refuse to help others:

You are not super man doing everything alone so you need to help others always as you should be social and listen to the ideas of others and learn from everything around you.

* Do everything you are asked to:

Your time is limited and this is what everyone knows but only the wise are managing their time well. Your time should contain the things that are important to you, but if it is not important for you, do not do it for your success.

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This method requires a great habit to make your mind tough enough to any unfortunate that will happen in the future, but most people just entertain themselves: watching movies, baseball, going to the night club, etc. to escape their own reality which will only have negative consequences.

I liked your work, well done
Thanks for your positive tips
Great post

Hey man, thank you for these positive and wise words, it really is a great help to those who have these kinds of gifts and abilities to make a change to not only in their life but to others around them as well. This is a well written article and i look forward to reading more

Amen to all of this!!!!
So glad I found this.
Great post Michael.
Following you now.

A summary of disastrous things we should avoid doing. Perfect to remind ourselves the damages we are doing to ourselves. Thanks a lot @michaelmorcos for being so comprehensive.

This in front of me on the red pin board!


I am trying to adapt to fast changes happening these days and I came across with this post. Totally relatable! Patience and Persistence will take all of us very far. Cheers!

Thanks for a great article.. found this just at the right time.. i really hit home and has given me more ideas on things I need to improve on..

Love your pin board message :) Definitely gets an upvote from me! Very wise words.

I fully agree with you that if you follow these things in your life then you too will definitely be something new.. Awesome post dear..

Excellent words to live by.. Life is so hard and it's up to us to pick the right road.. You made some awesome Bullet Points and although trying to live by theses words is the hard part.. It gives us things to work on and towards in our life.. Staying focused on the task and moving forward everyday is the key.. Thanks for sharing your wonderful words.. Followed,,upvoted and resteemed.. Great read

The key theme here which came up in several points is that we need constant Progress and Personal Growth to be happy and fulfilled.

Very good content,

I already posted something similar to your content that I liked a lot, my post was titled "let's be optimistic" and takes up almost the same ideas you mentioned in your post.

I am 100% in agreement with you. it's the key to success and happiness !!

when people of high inteligence do things it makes waves.

just take a look at the composure ,and the message this post potreys .that make him a genius .

thanks good friend for sharing this post.

This is a very nice post,well documented and developed but I will like to ask you some questions sir @michealmorcos...Do you think we humans can totally practice all the required thereby becoming completely free from strength and mental destruction ?....

Maybe practice one per day. In a few weeks, start over practicing one per day. Eventually you will be living it.

Okay, thanks for trying to help me... I'm grateful; steemit 4life!!!

Don't be worry about the changes! Be afraid to stay frozen!

I love this phrase "falling in love with convinent zone": it's one of the most deadly self distructive bomb an average person goes about with. It can destroy a man's career with little or no remedy and terminate a young career untimely... Pls don't fall in love with your convinent zones. Fight it hard and ensure your deliberately exploration other options. Thanks

the human being is a state of mind that is changing, respectively, adapting to its environment.
The key to much of the things that this world revolves around is that we must know how to accept things.
know that everything that happens does not always have a purpose but step and point.
that life does not end as long as our organism works and from there we can dominate part of our mind!

Repeating mistakes:
Awesome bro it destroy me but soon I will recover... InshaAllah..

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thank you by sharing it. Nice post

Excelente post. Todo los items que se mencionan son de vital importancia en nuestras vidas.

Perfect job maaaan. Ow right

That's true. The most dangerous place in mind is the safe zone. Most of the time, it makes go nowhere because you're thinking you're "safe"

Good advice. You tell the truth. Thanks for sharing.

I agree with you dear you said truly thanks for sharing this information post I like it .

The people with great mental power had hard times which made them strong. They might have times in their lifetime when they were not strong enough to overcome hardships. So I guess we don’t have to blame ourselves too much.

And there are some that are not gifted with great mental power and wisdom, but they did find the courage to fight and they achieved it.. These are the people worth of mentioning, and from them you can learn a lot. They did not have this gift but they made it theirs with hard work, passion and dedication...

Have a great day, Luka.

thank you for sharing these great life skills with us. These are the soft personal skills that you can't find in traditional classrooms.

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Thank you... Nice post..

I agree with all your points.
I'd suggest another one, from my own experience:
Understanding that a failure is an opportunity to learn.
Thanks for your article, it is very valuable.

we need to be stronger from our past mistakes that the way we can grow thanks for sharing great post :)

Release the Kraken! You got a 45.87% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @michaelmorcos!

You got a 9.76% upvote from @buildawhale courtesy of @michaelmorcos!
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It is very good post. Go ahead...

It will help a lot if motivational piece like this are taught in schools. Especially to the younger ones who are still at the early stages of their development. It becomes part and parcel of them. Thanks for sharing

That is a whole lot of advice in just one post. Thanks. However, my take on all this is that if you PERSIST towards your goal or vision you would eventually get there. We are not alone God is on your side.

Great reminders, Thank you!

These are some wonderful tips that once adapted, change your whole life. I worried too much, my anxiety was sky high, I fell in to a deep dark hole until I realised CHANGE is what keeps us alive. To move forward, think clear, create your own happiness and never giving anyone the power to take it away from you.

nice read, thanks.

san x

Hello, I'm new to steemit, I really liked this post, I hope to continue seeing this kind of material so good, I invite you to visit my first publication, I hope you like and support me, blessings!

Lovely article.. thanks for sharing..

This is an Inspiring write -up! I give it to you

Really very inspiring :)


What a great article!!! We have one life and need to make sure it is the sort of life WE want to live.

Gracias. han Sido unas palabras que me eh identificado con ellas. La verdad siempre hay que enfocarse en lo positivo y avanzar en la vida.

I love the bit about not being patient! This is a very well written and helpful post! This deserves all of the up votes!

excelente información de salud

each person is unique, we may not have the above 20 properties because we humans are created special but have limitations, I have about 10 things above, although sometimes realize it is bad but can not control. metal health is actually very easy enough to be grateful for what is. greed form the 20 properties above

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