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RE: Drinking talk besides Qinghai Lake in China. 青海湖畔谈饮酒

in #life9 years ago

Hello, when I was studying in Lanzhou, China, we went to the Bird Island once for a trip. Now I will try it in Chinese, let´s see.
你好,在兰州留学的时候,我们留学生去过青海和尿道,不不,鸟岛,但是因为年已迟了所以什么鸟都差不多没有了,它们都已经飞走了,只有不好的鱼腥味仍然存在,哈哈。Cormorant is 鸬鹚, I still remember that. 我还记得鸬鹚这鸟类的名字。