So I am attempting something different here on Steemit cause I have been on here a while and I am looking to do something that I wanted to do for a long time and I really want some feed back.
I would like to travel the USA and cover semi professional and armature sports and sports not so much talked about in the news. I would like to interview people, players, coaches, team owners, leagues, fans and people involved in the sport.
I want to make an entire series on facebook, twitter, youtube, steemit and on other social media including broadcasting live games.
So here are the issues and problems and maybe you can help me with solutions to some of these issues.
My family owns a 30 foot motorhome so traveling not so much the issue but money for gas and places to stay could be.
So I am pretty much doing this through my company Outlaw Sports Entertainment Company at
I do not have any major sponsors and would be mostly doing this out of my pocket so I am looking for suggestions on how to possibly get a sponsor or make money while traveling around and doing this.
Also how to get trams players and people to participate in the series. There are not to many issues I have expect the cost of living while doing this project so any ideas and thoughts in the comments would be love by me.
Thanks The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik
I don't have much in the way of suggestions but I will give it a shot.
...Create a web page and put up adds that will generate you income.
.. Interview local talent first and feature them on your web page. This will give you an idea on what you might be able to generate vs. what you need to be put into such a project.
.. go on local radio / put adds in local paper advertising what you are doing and leave contact information for anyone who may want to be featured or has a niche sport they want featured.
Note in all your advertisements, that you are looking for sponsors ..
Good luck with your Idea !
Thanks for the suggestions I have done those things on my web page on all my blogs I have ads. I have attempted fund raisers and do forth even submitted my idea to travel channel
Nice .. it looks like you are going in the right direction. Nice webpage, the only other thing I can think of at the moment would be adsense or something like it. I am not sure if you want to use that or not but it's an option.
Yes I have adsense as well
I was also wondering how your idea works on steemit and any ideas how to make more on here.
I have no clue. I am a new member myself but from the looks of it I and others who joined recently may have joined steemit about a year too late. If you are not already somewhat known or popular via another social media outlet then It is likely going to be hard to earn any decent amount of money from steemit.
Post and connect with those who share similar interest as you and don't focus on the money aspect would be my suggestion.
Good Luck to you !
i would agree I post on here for my satisfaction but just seems I never really get anywhere with it.
I suspect most users here feel the same.
I blame it on how the whole platform is run. One upvote being worth more then 100's is hurting this place and causing the site to loose members like me and you. Some better filters are needed as well so we can better sift through the things we want to read.
There are steemgigs / contest / challenge sections here on steemit. You can come up some contest post it in those sections and feature the winner on your Web-page / blog. It might help get you noticed more.
Good luck with your account !
I will try that I will have to research how to do it!
I am new and haven't done it myself. But I believe you just use the stemgigs tag and advertise what you want and wait to see if anyone is interested.
For example you can post that you are looking to feature someone who plays in a niche sport and that person will be interviewed and advertised on your blog(s).
It's just an idea, I have no idea if you want to give it a shot or not or even if it will work.
Good luck with what-ever you choose !