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RE: Diving Impressions Update #2: Look in the "eye" of the tridacna clam! :) (English/German)

in #life8 years ago

That's a Tridacna clam and that's it's valve (it's a bivalve). The breathing hole.
The color of the mantle is from an algae, another animal thus an excellent example of symbiotic relationships (mutually beneficial). Note that those clams are like the giant clams we see in comic books trapping someone's foot, etc. but I don't know that's ever happened in reality. I love marine bio, thanks Jonas! Where did you take this? Warm water where? :)


Thank you for your feedback @micheletrainer!

"Note that those clams are like the giant clams we see in comic books trapping someone's foot, etc. but I don't know that's ever happened in reality." Yes this is one of the myths about this animals. :) They don´t grab for divers foots etc. , but I think it could hurt if you out in your hand and it closes strong... But of course I didn´t tried it, I just watched this amazing animal.