Sorry everyone, I'm a little stretched right now.
@s0u1 (Trev)'s mum was taken into hospital yesterday. She had a bad fall, breaking her hip. 10 days after her 93rd birthday.
The family are pulling together and making sure his dad and sister (both frail and elderly) are taken care of and shifts for visiting to the hospital to be arranged.
Please keep on using the tag but don't get worried, stressed-out or impatient if I don't get to upvote and/or comment on your work.
Thanks for everything thus far. I'll be back!
Hello Is been a while since I made any comment on your post and I really miss that. Though have been reading some of your stories and fictions and I can't but say they've been awesome as usual.
AND LIVE FOR MORE YEARS. I will be looking forward to having you back and have never stopped talking about you in majority of my post. You are such as inspiration to me on this platform.I'm really sorry about the fall by @s0ul mum, and I pray she gets better soon
Just to let you know that am back and am ready to learn more from you as a mentor on this platform. Thank you and God bless.
Always your fan @optimistdehinde.
Praying for them to get well soon.
prayer for them,,,, get well soon...
Sorry for the stretched.
Wishing @s0u1's mum quick recovery. Do take care of yourself and keep up with the good job you are committed doing. All the best.
So sorry to hear this news
Wishing her speedy recovery and
great strenght of mind and body for you
best wishes for a speedy recovery of the mother @ s0u1 (Trev)
So sorry to hear about Trev's mom. I hope she recovers quickly and doesn't have to be in the hospital for long. You are part of the sandwich generation and it puts extra stress on you looking after elderly parents, kids and grandkids. I have been there and when I look back on it, I often wonder how I coped as well as I did. Somehow we find the strength and you will too. Take care of yourself to, Michelle. It is easy to overlook our own well being when we are caring for others.
I wish your mother longevity and health, thanks to such a filial son. May the world be like your harmonious and happy family
I'm so sorry to hear about Trev's mom. Sending all of you positive thoughts, love and prayers. (((hugs))) xox
It's sad news. In life happens different moments. I wish mother Trev's a speedy recovery and long years of life. I wish you and Trev not to worry. You are a very friendly and caring family I'm sure everything will be fine.
Sorry to hear that she got hurt. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. No worries about getting back to us (to me at least). Real life comes first.
Family first we all understand.
So much has been going on in your family and you need time to help them and also process while getting some rest when you can. and @s0u1 we are all wishing things to calm down soon for your guys.
Sending love!
This is not a good news at all. My prayers are with her. I wish her a speedy recovery.
Please stay good😘😘😘
Sorry to hear about Trev's mum having a fall and breaking her hip. She looks like a tough old girl and hope she has a speedy recovery.
Get as much rest as you can, both of you.
You will need to keep your strength up now.
I hope is mum is doing okay. I absolutely hated the hospital. First 2 days not so bad, next 8 days a sleepless night mare. No memories of first two days after "This will make you very sleepy", two days later they wake you up, and don't let you sleep more than 2 hours at a time. All you hear is "I'm sorry I know you just got to sleep, but we need you to sit up for x ray." or some variation of that. Then its "I'm sorry your blood pressure is to low for a pain pill", "your blood pressure is to high for a pain pill", I'm sorry you can't have any coffee, no no tea either.
I hope she will be fine, at least she will have some company. You and Trev (@s0u1) need to remind each other to take a break and look after each other also. Things can get, shall we just say a little tense during times like this. Remember sometimes all you need is a few minutes looking at a tree.
So sorry things are difficult right now. It is a time for family and supporting one another. First things first. Be well. 🐓🐓
welcome... i always try to visited your post love u