Good call! It was a little horrific and I wasn't even at the horrific end!
I remember making a decision when I was 15 or 16 that I never wanted kids. I held onto that until Trev (@s0u1) and I started getting serious. Then I realised that he did want kids and if I wanted to stay with him, I seriously had to reconsider.
I knew I wanted to stay with him and I also knew that to stay with him and deny him kids was not the right decision.
Here we are, 36 years later... coming up to 37 years together, with 2 kids and 3 grand-kids (2 step-grandkids).
Yeah, I think I made the right decision :)
That's awesome to hear that it all worked out in the end.
I am the oldest in my family and my mother is still without grandchildren , which I know she wants, so it has become a more prevalent topic recently. Still no pressure, but just need further consideration.
Take all the time you need. Live a little first, get some experiences under your belt. Kids are a lifetime commitment and you don't want to go into the decision with things left un-done, because it's a bit difficult to go off adventuring with kids in tow (although, I bet your mum would have them for a week or so) :D