Well put, thanks for posting.
Instant gratification seems to be a by-product of the entitled society that's developed. I don't remember it always being like this.
My grandparents for example: I remember them all as being hard workers, knowing their lives were going to be roughly on the same level from beginning to end but if they tried, they could help their kids get a better start in their lives.
That's what we have tried to do for our kids. We want a better life for those that come along next.
Maybe that's the problem? We've created a generation of kids who believe everyone is working for their best interests, working to provide everything just for them.
Entitled kids grow up to become entitled adults and there we have it.
I thought about that a lot as well. There is also a lot of self-help books and podcasts that re-inforce that narrative sadly enough.
I like George Carlin take about it :) I don't know if you ever seen that?
Not a specific take from George Carlin but I liked his viewpoint on just about everything.