A great article!
I love this - "A painting brings together so many minuscule strokes of the brush or other tool all while expressing macro meanings to the artist and the audience."
It shows the delicacy of each person's talent and gift in the world. I've used the metaphor that we are all pieces in a jigsaw puzzle and we need to fit together to complete the picture.
I feel that life would be so different if this were true - "7+ billion humans running around achieving and trying to achieve their life purposes"
but so many people seem oblivious to having a greater purpose than existing to pay the bills each day. So many are stuck in ruts and aren't feeling their soul connection.
The more people share and talk about this, as you have done with your enlightening post then the more it will make those people think there is more to life than what they are currently experiencing.
Thanks for article and lovely images! :)
Wow thank you so much for your kind and insightful words.
You speak such truth it so inspiring to hear from another soul. that is one of my goals with these posts is to inspire people to realize that it's just a mindset and any of us can figure out and achieve our life purpose.
Amenn people are stuck in a rut and are either to afraid or don't have the vision to get out of it. I use the metaphor of being "trapped in the maze." People just go around the maze never achieving what they are supposed to achieve.
I love that metaphor you used with a puzzle. I feel like maybe a visual representation of this will help people understand. Like literally a puzzle broken down into 7 billion pieces. I am sure it can be done :)
Thank you so much for caring.
God bless.
You're welcome, I can feel the good flowing from you in your photo and as you say it's good to connect with another soul on the same page!
Great you're wishing to inspire people to find their life purpose, that is a big part of my work doing this. I feel one of the biggest problems is the money trap, needing to pay the bills and not finding a way out, but people can still do a passion as a hobby to get the ball rolling!
With the jigsaw puzzle we have critical mass and the '100th monkey' working for us, so pieces will start to just fall in place when that is reached!
You're welcome, thank you for caring too. Great to chat! :)
Blessings and Namaste
Amen amennnnn the money trap is a huge problem and once people are out of that mindset o weee is it powerful.
I am unfamiliar with the '100th monkey' so I will do some research into it. Thank you so much for sharing these words, means a lot to me :)
Yes the enslavement to money and bills is huge! May crypto and Steemit really help to resolve this issue for many.
100th monkey is an interesting story about how behaviour changes automatically when it reaches a critical mass point - here is an article about it.
Gives me such hope!! :)