As the festive season draws into a higher momentum, lots of busy activities and transactions are surfacing on a regular basis in different public facilities
Typical to mention are facilities such as ATM (Automated Teller Machine) and Fuel stations.
Don't know if this is particularly common only in Nigeria as it is a norm to see long queue in public places as mentioned.
I witnessed a very long queue in a petrol station while on transit. It was really an awful situation as one would need to get to the petrol dispensing facility as early as 5am or even 4am. Some Chauffeurs even alight their vehicles through the night after the day's activities.
ATM facilities are known for massive withdrawals as seen from the above image. This could easily be attributed as a major factor responsible for the recent drop in the price of bitcoin and most cryptocurrencies some days to Christmas.
Aside annoying events like this, the festive season has on a high clime and still momentarily booming daily.
How is the Festive celebrations going at your end?
its being awesome. just that the increase in transportation is so high...
Annoyingly high. Obviously, the fuel scarcity promoted it