Yes, and adding value to anything. Actually that is what we are all doing here with steemit. So many people are adding value and being rewarded for it. I love it :)
Plus if you have a internet connection you can do this. You could live in the poorest parts of the world and take a great picture or tell a story and earn more than most in the country. For example the average income for someone in Cambodia is $1,000 per year and here they can make that with a few good posts. Incredible. I was chatting with a new friend from South Africa the other day and he said that it is true that being poor is a choice.
Yes, blockchain tech can do that. That is true that being poor is a choice. In some case there are people high up causing the poverty saying how they can earn money and how much.
Oh absolutely. I think North Korea is a good example and many more actually. I guess he was referring to being in a somewhat free country.
It's true. And guess what...getting PAID for it.