The Heartache
Today was a bad day,
I missed you a lot, not one of
my better days, I got weak and broke
down in tears just wishing
I could see your face.
Wishing that I could hear your
voice one last time just to tell me that
everything's gonna be alright.
I never believe those words coming
from anyone else but you, so I guess that
means I'll never really believe
that everything is gonna
be alright again?
You're gone, just gone.
One moment you were here and
I loved you so deeply, the next moment
none of that mattered because
your soul left that place.
All I was left with was the broken pieces of
your slain body and blood
stains on my T-shirt.
All my happy memories of you
are struggling to survive,
battling the terrible
flashbacks and nightmares
I constantly have of the night
you were taken from me.
Today was one of those days
when I needed you the most,
a day like today one kiss
from you or a simple feel of your embrace
would have been all I needed to
ease all my anger and frustration away.
I just wish there was someway
for me to guarantee that you knew
I loved you before you left me saying I don't.
I wish there was a way
to reassure you that I still love you now.
Others have come and
gone since you,
I did my fucking best not to compare
or have any expectation
of you they had to live up to.
But fuck, how could I not?
I really can't forget you, trust me
I tried because the pain has
gotten so unbearable,
sometimes I think if I just forget it all
I'd somehow be better off.
But I can't, and I won't,
we both know that.
I just wish I could go visit
you where ever you are.
Even if it was just for five minutes a day,
just to see your smile,
have a puff with you or just to kiss you.
I swear I could do anything just
to get next to you at this point of time.
Can't believe I got cheated
out of a great person, out of true love.
Nobody will ever take
your place, nothing will
even make me forget your face.
Nice poem!!
I wish I could also write this kind of stuff :)@mindfreak