Are you like those girls that use a lot of time deciding on the dress before they go out, although they'll look good either way? :) Rearranging can often inspire you, but there's a very thin line between that and complete distraction...or chaos... or OCD... or addiction to... short-term change :-D
My previous posts are mainly about paper art, design and some coding (animations). There's so many things to cover, that I couldn't yet find the time to post about electronics and 3D drawing...yet! But I'm preparing a few things this week :)
I can see you're much into tech, designing, and you write very well. Is this your full-time work or fo you do something specific?
I suppose I am a bit like those girls - but it's because I leave the house so rarely. Might as well look good when you do, right?
And you're like those boys who take pictures of their cool gaming equipment and post them online!
Right now I'm just writing - on here and with some projects bubbling away in the background. And when summer comes I help @donnadavisart with our AirBnB rental.
We'd love to learn more about 3D drawing. Donna has been talking about getting into that for some time. Also I'm going to send my niece @barracudadiaries your way - she's an avid quiller/paper-crafter!
Hah, well that makes sense :)
Oh no :)) I can't say anything smarter here!
Sounds good about your occupation. Please share some of your bubbly projects when you've finished then. I'm curious what that would be about (hmmm... bubbles?).
3D drawing is a.w.e.s.o.m.e. It takes a while before you get used to it, but it's better than any other form of art I've tried. I'll take a look at your niece's works shortly, thank you for sharing :)