So a 17-year-old girl runs onto the field to touch baseball players’ butts and somehow she becomes a 'hero'? (according to the women's magazine 'The Gloss')
If a man would have done the same to a women's soccer or volleyball game,he would have been jailed as a sex offender and sued for sexual harassment faster than you could say 'feminism isn't about equality'.
Definitely a double standard. May have been handled diffierently if she was wearing a MAGA cap while doing this😀
They would blame Trump for her behavior.
Definitely a double standard.
Nailed it. If the SJWs didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards.
Here's a link to the original article:
It is worth noting that this was in 2012. Its just been the past two years that the world seems to have lost its mind. (Yes, I know that it has been coming for a while... )