#Grandmas are already adorable on their own, but when we saw Ben John’s 85-year-old grandma’s, May Ashworth’s, Google search history – our hearts just melted. Last week when Ben opened his #granny’s laptop and saw her recent Google searches, he couldn’t resist taking a photo. In the photo you can see that #Nanna May wrote: “please translate these roman numerals mcmxcviii thank you.”
The 24-year-old grandson found this so cute, so he posted it on Twitter with the caption: “Omg opened my Nan’s laptop and when she’s googled something she’s put ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. I can’t”. We can’t either. Even writing this is making my heart melt!
plagiarized. downvoted.
Here's the real source: http://www.boredpanda.com/grandma-polite-google-search-may-ashworth/
Lovely. It's certainly better to be over than under polite!