What is missing in education? First, original texts like the "Apologies" and the "Republic" from Plato and dialogs from Meno and the Republic and the Bible. Textbooks follow a designated curriculum telling students what they should learn. Then learning objectives are implemented supported by learning activities followed up by assessments and plans of action. After feedback is given teachers reconstruct the learning objectives and learning activities to help students overcome the learning barrier to accomplish the overall learning target. That sounds reasonable because these learning targets can be measured but questions of why are omitted leading to students who know what to do and how but have no idea why. Original texts allow students to make their own questions. Second is hands on experience. Learning is not memorization but practice. The best way for students to practice is by teaching others. In my classroom I surprise kids a lot and let them figure it out before explaining it. I give them the project and the instructions and a group of four and 80% of the time they get it done better than if I would have explained it and also come up with new ideas. The other 20% they come up after ten minutes crying, "It's ruined." That is the best education, failure. And that is third, schools need more opportunity for positive failure. We try and fail and then we learn. I know they can't do it the first time but with incentive they will try and fail. But in a small group mission oriented class students help each other and turn the failure into a creative success. Last is like the first, purpose. Students need a reason to study and when they find it they are wild about it and excited about the learning process in itself.
As Charles Schultz Linus says, “Well, I think that the purpose of going to school is to get good grades so then you can go to college; and the purpose of going to college is so you can get good grades so you can go on to graduate school; and the purpose of that is to work hard and get good grades so we can get a job and be successful so the we can get married and have kids so we can send them to grammar school to get good grades so they can go to high school to get good grades so they can go to college and work hard…”
And yes as Socrates would have said, "The unexamined education is not worth having."
100% agree with everything you said! You have some great ideas for a better education system, and since you're a teacher, your credibility is high as well.
Thank you for your insights!
You got it. Thank you for your summary. That's what my comment needed. Now I'm on my way to school to give these kids a piece of my own medicine. Thanks again for sharing and thank you for learning.