Sudden difficulties in personal life that ended up in a breakdown crisis similar to crypto crash wipeouts!!

in #lifelast year (edited)

Interruptions in my writing and crypto associated tasks!!

It’s good to feel alive enough to write this year because this year, although crypto prices are rising, my life experienced a crypto crash kind of breakdown.

I have not been able to write or study crypto for a while, due to needing to set the house in order for my brother’s family, where I would get to see his kids, my little nieces as they stay in the house. This proved to be a lot of work.

Before this, I had been busy making arranging to send my parents abroad to my brother’s home in Canada and it’s the first time I have been left alone at home for over a month.

However, it became obvious that I was not alone because of my 2 cats, who created dramas in the house with their relationship turning sour, violent and their current relationship is in hissing terms.

4 months ago my cats were inseparable, now they live separately

Pet cat rift issues causing me stress, difficult being a Pet parent!!

My cats who were brother friends for over 5 years, suddenly became enemies.

The factors leading to this is complex and can be only covered in another dedicated article. However, take it that my white cat Mochu, became bored and with his excess energy troubled my cat Garu. They fought and it created a rift.

Mochu aggressively pursued torturing Garu, so much so once Garu in the fight got wounded and I had to take him to the vet.

Photo was taken after Garu's bleeding wound was treated. Second day after the flight. First day he bleeded a lot, I thought his paw was wounded!!

Even in the second day that wound had some blood ozzing!! I spent some of my crypto money in treating Garu as well!!

That’s over 3 months ago, my cats are now permanently separated, living in separate quarters for 3 months, its become the new normal.

The cat fight situation created additional challenges for me, what with separate playtimes, and spending time with both separately and being extra careful that both cats don’t by mistake encounter each other.

Entertaining cat Garu showing him cat TV, there is no friend for him now other than me, now that his former best friend cat Mochu is him enemy.

Atleast 5 to 6 times, cat Mochu found opportunities to pursue and fight with cat Garu and being caught in the midst of a violent and aggressive cat fight, is a frightening situation especially when you’re the only person around to handle it!!

Entertaining cat Mochu showing him a video of him playing with his once best buddy cat Garu!! ... Unfortunately, This did not workout in changing Mochu's behavior of being violent with cat Garu

Additionally, with guests coming home, another place to accommodate cat Mochu had to be arranged. It was a new, and challenging situation for me.

No mood to enjoy my time doing occasional outings!!

In between, there were special occasions with Diwali festival lunch at my aunts place on October and a crypto conference on December. I barely managed to find time and motivation to attend these events. The outings proved a little tiring under my circumstances, although I did enjoy some of my time there about.

My Dad's sister, my Attai invited me for lunch for Diwali as she prepared food for her visitor friends. She invited me because she believed that during Diwali, one should not be alone, but have some vibrancy. THe food was yummy, I enjoyed the lunch so much, wish I had taken a snap of the food iteams prepared!!

The crypto conference outing made me sick for a few days, I really enjoyed it far less than I should have being a crypto person.

December 7th, I attended my 2nd Polkadot crypto conference.

At the same venue was India Blockchain Week for which I had a free pass and looks like I missed out and seeing Vitalik Buterin, he came and spoke but I was elsewhere in the venue, mainly cheking out the booths where Web3 project representatives explained about their Blockchain project.

All this actually gave me less time to spend with the cats, and their relationship completely deteriorated, as I saw no sign of improvement.

It was like a crypto coin that once reached a all time high, but crashed and reached a all time low, and is appearing to have no prospects of a uplift ever again. It was also a difficult thought that my cats will be life long enemies and need to be kept separately forever!!

Extra work and expenses always around with need for making preparations for a family function!!

Add to all this, there was this work giving me a headache of clearing house, repairing some things like fan and lights in the room for guests. I had to make it a safe place for little children to hang out, so all sharp iteams and many other stuff had to be cleared from home, I tried my best at it, it was not the sort of work I enjoy.

Apart from this I had to make arrangements for my nieces function, this was a lot for me to take in my little hands.

I had sold most of my BTC and ETH for home expenses and well… that’s now compleltely spent.

Additional work of creating an invite card for family function of Ayush Home

Anyway, this write up is about another card I created last year unexpectedly, this being an invite card for inviting people to my nieces function of Ayush Homa.

I was hoping my sis-in-law would make one card that can be used by us to invite people from our family side, but it turned out I was told by Dad to make a separate invite to invite his side relatives.

So, I ventured to make an invite card, grumbling that I hoped I had less work not needing to create card.

I will continue this part of the story related to arrangements and card design I made for Ayush Homa function in my next article. Part 2 of my personal breakdown story.

Thanks for visiting guys. I am still weak now and a little sick, so not back with my normal energy levels to do proper crypto associated work. All though as I said I am back to writing... It feels good that to be alive that my writing abilities remains...


You can use direct messaging here:

Posted via Blog D.Buzz@mintymile @gregscloud

Many Thanks Chris, how does that use resourse credits, if you know?
I really appreciate you my friend.

I think it generally uses the same resource credits as commenting on but not 100% sure.

Posted via is the project that incubated Sting Chat (ie. and you can drop in the Community chat of @peakd to talk to @mirafun about this.

It does not use resource credits for messages. It uses hive keychain to encode and sign message with users posting key without broadcasting it to hive network. Rather the message is broadcasted to the decentralized backend messaging nodes.

Good to know, how are you doing friend?

I’m sorry to hear you are struggling. I have had my share of breakdowns. Please know there are people who care. I don’t know you, but I’m rooting for you. I upvoted but I’m not sure what my vote is worth, need recharging I think.

I’m not sure of your time zone, I am in the Eastern US. Eastern Time. Please stay strong and know there are people thinking and rooting for you.

Sending warmest regards.Feel free to shoutout, I’m not sure if hive has direct messaging. I think @DBuzz was working on something. My Leo doesn’t play hive for me, so right now I’m replying on PeakD.

Thankyou @gregscloud ... very touched by the kind words... I know what it is to feel all alone at very difficult situations, been through worst and had other breakdowns, but I also know there are kindness from strangers , others and it means a lot.

Thanks for rooting for me, I not mentally broken down as much as physical breakdown, and not able to do much, leads to frustration.

Still, I am glad I can write and have space to recover.

I should be fine... today I was feeling awful, felt life is meserable but these sort of assurances give strenght and motivation... I really don't want to sound negative... I hope I do well not just recover this year in my crypto writing and earn money.

Ofcourse, also that my cats get along and stay together, but I don''t have hope for it. May need to find help on that, after I recover and find time and space for it.

How are you doing today? If you want to DM me, @chrisrice has given us the link. Hope your weekend is going well my friend.

Going on... thanks for checking on me... good day mate!!

Hope you have a good week.

hello, there. Sometimes life sucks a lot... I'm sorry to hear your pets friends are struggling too. Writing help, man. Dont stop writing... Keep walking...

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