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If I Was ...
If I was drawn,
A bad painting with oil paint spilled over it..
If I was sung,
A song with harsh voice and too much noise..
If I was written,
A skeptical satire on life or a book with a dagger in its heart..
If I was played,
A broken guitar with punctured fret board..
If I was remembered,
An asteroid hitting the earth, making the dinosaurs extinct..
If I was life,
A bird's failure in taking it's first flight from a mountain..
If I was death,
A swimmer escaping the jaws of a white shark..
If I was light,
A fading one at the end of the tunnel..
If I was darkness,
The corner of a luminous castle..
If I was magic,
A card trick known by a 6 year old..
If I was miracle,
An ECG's straight signal with a long beep..
If I was prayer,
Lord missed it while listening to coldplay..
If I was call,
It was from a credit card offering callcentre...
If I was you,
A beautiful dream..
If I was me,
A dreadful scream..
( If you have, please disregard this message )
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