Somewhere Between... (Original Poem)

in #life9 years ago

Somewhere between sweet fist fights and troublesome quarrels,

We grew up..

Somewhere between "Where's Mammy" and "Mom, I'll be late, don't wait",

We grew up..

Somewhere between Holloween's lollipop and Ferrero Rocher,

We grew up..

Somewhere between the Mario and the Call of Duty,

We grew up..

Somewhere between "a race back to home" and "slow evening walk to appreciate the weather",

We grew up..

Somewhere between 'You look like poop' and 'Fuck you, Asshole',

We grew up..

Somewhere between Pokemon and Death Note,

We grew up..

Somewhere between Innocence and Malevolence,

We grew up..

Somewhere between Fairy Tales and The Star Wars,

We grew up..

Somewhere between Daddy's Princess and The Queen of the Clouds,

We grew up..

Somewhere between "the bed time stories" and "one more episode then I'll go to sleep",

We grew up..

Somewhere between Morning Prayers and Late Night Parties,

We grew up..

Somewhere between "Waking up before the Sun" and "Snoozing the alarm for 5 more mins of Sleep",

We grew up..

Somewhere between "being stubborn for a chocolate" and "determined to get an Audi",

We grew up..

Somewhere between classic country music and electronic dance music,

We grew up..

Somewhere between a pretty key-chain and car keys,

We grew up..

Somewhere between a penny for pocket money and a tip for good food service,

We grew up..

Somewhere between a dial up connection and torrents,

We grew up..

Somewhere between "I'm not a little kid" to "I miss those childhood days",

We grew up...

Somewhere between a bicycle race to school and a flight from LA to Japan,

We grew up..

Somewhere between a cup full of milk and a glass full of Glenfiddich,

We grew up..

Somewhere between "A for Apple, B for ball.." And E = MC2,

We grew up..

Somewhere between A Chicken Soup For A Fever and Benzodiazepines for Anxiety,

We grew up..

Somewhere between "You're so sweet" and "Dayyuumm you're sexy",

We grew up..

Somewhere between "Monster under the bed, a clown in the closet" to "The devil inside my head",

We grew up.. 

Somewhere between a Nintendo and an iPhone,

We grew up..

Somewhere between Star Gazing Nights and Project Completion Deadlines,

We grew up..

Dedicated to all those, who didn't want to, but unfortunately GREW UP... 

Image Credit


Can verify... it's a trap

I need to grow up

It's a trap... DONT...!!!

sooner or later we all got to grow up. great poem