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RE: FDA Just Falsely Declared Kratom to Be an Opioid—Ensuring Big Pharma a Lifetime of Profit

in #life7 years ago

hmmm... you begin by saying Kratum is not an opioid, but then again, neither is a poppy.. yet both contain the very alkaloids that one's pain receptors collect for use to impart a sense of euphoria and pain relief. in your own words "In fact, three synthetic opioids were synthesized from the alkaloids in kratom from 2008- 2016: MGM-9, MGM-15, and MGM-16.

They were synthesized from kratom’s alkaloids Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine: to make what is essentially patentable, pharmaceutical kratom. " you admit as much.. while i think there is a use for Kratum in the treatment of many things from depression, to pain relief i think it is irresponsible to believe there are no dangers in using Kratum for self medication.. if you ingest too much you can develop bad side effects to your liver and kidneys for one, but there are other reasons for concern.... standardization of dosages being one of the better reasons for the FDA to at the very least take a hard look at Kratum, if after all is said and done, they find it safe to consume and can form standardized dosages then i'm all for it.. but if they come back with a controlled substance tag, i'm ok with that too... I'd rather people be safe than people be self medicating with a possibly harmful substance...