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RE: How Effective is Our Prison System?

in #life8 years ago

I would have to say our prison system is excellent!! it does a great job keeping criminals separated from those of us in society who know how to live without being criminals. I am a firm believer that if I, a product of a low income, single parent family, being brought up in government housing, can live almost 50 years of life not being a criminal then there is no excuse for anyone to be a criminal...... it all comes down to choices... you can choose to do the right thing and not choose to comit a crime, or you can comit a crime and take that chance.... those who take that chance and lose deserve to be separated from the rest of society. . As a deterrent to crime prisons fall a bit short, but we coddle prisoners here.... if the time served was a bit more unbearabe it would serve as it's own deterrent... we also need tougher penalties for comitting a crime to be more of a deterrent as well...


but most criminals are released back into mainstream society after doing time

yes... to which i said we need more strict punishments and quit making prisons "comfortable" places to stay. ... the majority of those released eventually find their way back into prison within a year of their release... which tells me that they have not learned their lesson and should receive greater lengths of stay...