
sorry dude, but those tax returns will come out eventually, you know the ones Drumph said he was going to release after his "audit," yeah those tax returns, they still exist, and when they finally come out, you and everyone else will see that Trump has been in bed with the Russians for decades... Like I said, Mueller is coming. Sleep well ;)

BTW: seems like we are both anti-corruption!

Like the tax return Rachel Maddow "broke" on her show? LOL. For a sweet Russian scandal search "Uranium One".
Remember who sold the world on the "WMD Threat" from Saddam. Same ones selling Trump/Russia nothing burger.

indeed, but it won't be long now on Trump. He's in too deep. He's been dealing with the Russian Oligarchs for years. There are plenty of records. Just today Facebook finally admitted that it had sold large amounts of ad buys to Russian interests during the election... It's a house of cards and they are gunna fall before the end of the year.

Hi Ed, how ya doin' these days?