How to deal with “Muslim Inertia”?

in #life7 years ago

You may have noticed that Muslims are considered people who breed a lot of extremism and fanaticism. Though as a Muslim I don’t agree with this notion that all Muslims are extremists but I definitely confess that there are people who have hijacked the majority Muslim Ummah and they are now considered the representatives of Muslims across the world and especially in Europe. I would like to tell the world that these ultra-extremists are not our representatives.

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Just as there are many extremists organizations in Christians, Jews, Buddhists and other people, so same is the case with Muslims but it doesn’t mean in any way that majority of Muslims are with them. In fact, a rare minority is with the extremists. The minority people who have been brainwashed by the extremists by telling them how the Western World is occupying or aiding the occupying nations in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, and Kashmir etc.

Now coming to the main point and that is how to break our minds free from this inertia which has not only hurt our relationship with other nations across the globe but also has become the main reason of our poverty and backwardness. Today is the day of economic and technological warfare instead and we need to be ready for it. I don’t mean that we should start building technology to attack other nations. We should rather involve in a healthy competition with other developed nations including Europe and China. This healthy race will lead not only us but the whole world to prosperity and economic viability.

If I take a look back and compare China with my country, Pakistan, I will definitely find out the reason why we are lagging behind in the race towards glory.
Pakistan became independent in 1947 with enough land and resources to become a superpower but soon it disintegrated into two states and we lost the plot in subsequent years. Our Gdp fell down from 8 to less than 3 even. In comparison to this downfall, China was freed from colonialism in 1949 and it developed rapidly and its economy is now progressing with a GDP rate of more than 9, which is phenomenal. The Muslim World needs to focus on education, scientific research and on freethinking to be able to compete with the rest of the world. Without education, we will remain in deep slumber of poverty and economic imbalance.

Love for all. Stay blessed Steemians.


Point of view is so good

Thanks mam.

Very well said. Are you from Pakistan? This post simply means that not all Muslims are bad just as not all Christians are bad too.

Anyway, I wrote about your country before you might want to read it I'm sharing the link here:

Thank you so much@long888. Will definitely check it out, sir. Lots of love

Thank you so much for writing about Pakistan. I am really impressed by your research and first time I am visiting this website.