I personally believe that part of our current awakening process happening now is manifesting for those with money as well as those without. One principle in effect is the greater the quantity of any given commodity the lower it's value.
There is more money in circulation than at any other point in history. Therefore you need to have more just by virtue of the fact that you now have a depreciating asset, not a solid investment. For those already in the poor category without doing anything wrong they are growing more and more poor each day that passes. Rich are disappointed by an unreachable goal. The Poor are forced to revolt due to involuntarily being made to go without while watching the ultra rich waste their good fortune.
Food is also suffering worldwide from this phenomenon. We produce and grow more food at any other point in history yet its overall nutritional value has gone down. We import more food then we need in some countries while others go without due to the artificially low prices of this commodity. Farmers are kept in perpetual serfdom to the rigged market until the Biomes that made high production farming possible are depleted beyond resuscitation.
Communication and information also have fallen prey to it's own abundance. We now worship at the altar of Science without questioning it's discoveries or demanding a burden of proof before something is believed. Productive arguments are rarely had that don't turn into fights, name calling or social ostracism.
If we truly want to live in a world without a masterclass of citizen the penultimate player must at some point be removed for the benefit of progress. Namely money itself, the shadow coach, mentor and bully(dare I say deity) driving our collective wills and desires.
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