Although we have many health, education and safety issues, rulers want to waste time regulating something that is already being used and works perfectly.
With this sentence you just said what's wrong with most governments. By regulating "meaningless" things and actions they avoid solving important problems and give the impression of them being very active and occupied.
It simply reminds me of a child who doesn't want to do his homework so he/she pretends to be doing something else... And when these problems persist for too long, we see crowds in yellow vests all around the same France which banned electric scooters... I mean who the hell will ride it on the sidewalk when there are people ruining whole streets...
I think governments are trying to regulate something that now is not the time to think about regulation. We need to solve the bigger problems later, we solve the small problems.
Thank you for dropping by and sharing your thoughts with us @modern-trojan
Appreciate it.