This is hands down the best article I have read in a while! I feel the exact same way but you explain it so much better than me. LoL. When I am talking to people about this they just can't seem to comprehend it. I come from an extremely christian family and they just can't wrap their minds around me "not caring" about getting into heaven, they actually get angry and tell me how they don't want me to burn in hell.. lol.. i keep telling them if there is an "all knowing god" then he would understand that not everyone thinks the same and he wouldn't punish good people for not believing in a book that has been used to destroy so much precious life. If he is a just god with unconditional love (like they say) he will want good hearted people in his kingdom regardless of what they were taught to believe.
I have honestly never understood religion since I was a child, I got kicked out of sunday school when i was 12 because I asked to many questions instead of just "having faith." lol.. Because santa clause, the easter bunny, the tooth fairy and everything else turned out to be so true right?
I honestly don't know who is right or wrong, if there is a "god" or a "correct religion"? Maybe... But like you I can't be concerned about the future, I have to worry about the present and making this life as amazing as possible.. Ill worry about the rest when that day comes..
Again, awesome fucking article! I gave u a full upvote but its tiny so I am sending you a little bit bigger upvote from minnowbooster.. :)
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Thank you and you're welcome. I'm glad you liked my article. I'm also glad there is someone else on the same page as me.
BTW, my upvote is tiny because I wiped out my VP on Steemvoter. I went, overboard. I will have to tame it and learn how to use it. I've already got it set for The Steem Engine. So I have to be gentle.
And given what you've said, I think you're going to like this article on the distinction between belief and faith and Alan Watts;
He is one of the people I was thinking of when I wrote this article.
And thank you very much for your votes!
Write on. :)
I have been trying to figure out my voting situation too.. I also recently set up autovoter and steem voter in order to get on more curation trails and make a little bit more on each post but now I haven't been able to upvote more than an article or two lately cuz they have been draining my power so much. I have even limited myself to one upvote per day even if I do multiple articles :/ .... When things pick back up on steemit though I will change that but for now I will just deal with it and send minnowbooster upvotes when I find great articles like yours ;)
Man, I love allen watts! I don't know if I have heard this one.. You are the first person I've ever talked to who knows who he is lol.. Apparently we are really on the same page.. Thats honestly a good feeling for a change..
Take care bro.. steem on.
Thanks, @moderndayhippie. I'm sorry about my late reply. I'm still getting the hang of monitoring and replying to comments. I'm not used to getting replies to my posts.
But I started working with the Steem Engine and Bam!, there they are.
As to voting trails, I got my butt kicked by them a few days ago, and am still recovering. Don't do 100%, and just do one guild. I would do something like that and put them at 10% that way I don't get completely whacked on VP. I have just applied to @qurator, so we'll see what happens.
Alan Watts totally changed my perspective on life, and his work is a big part of why I'm agnostic about everything. I want to be able to see, as clearly as possible, what happens next. So to do that, I've tried to set aside as many beliefs as possible and still be sane.
I think that the hippies of the 60's and 70's really did dig Watts, too. And I'm glad to find other people with common ground. I write what I want to write thinking that hey, there are 7 billion people on the planet. There is at least one person besides my mom, who likes my work. :)
Anywho, have a great day and write on.
Great response, and good to meet someone who also was the one asking uncomfortable questions in sunday school.
We can't ever stop asking those questions: after all, it is our own existence we are coming to terms with, and it would be absurd to let another define our own existence for ourself.
Oh, yeah. I was also asking those questions in Sunday School, too. I didn't last long though. I just couldn't get over the fairytale thing about the bible.
Laughed at "I went, overboard. I will have to tame it and learn how to use it."
Definitely looking forward to reading more from you,
There are too few minds asking the serious questions that need to be asked.
And definitely too few doing a good job of asking them when they do.