The Golden Nugget
" My experience"
About a year after I moved away from Montana their was an old bar up on the Yaak valley Montana , it's infamous gold littered crystal clear waters carving the mountains beside the road you drive everyday was truly a beauty to behold. I think it was around 2011 or 12 that I first began to run the bar and mingled with the locals , summertime was my biggest anticipation with only keeping warm for months on end , tourist season was told to be a promising business due to the big game hunters or people seeking fortune looking for gold or just leisure during the summers cruising the long winding empty road in beautiful country only to stop every now and then at a old bar an have a few drinks . After going through that busy season of spring summer an into fall I found myself among the midst of a wildfire that spread through several states that I could remember like Idaho, Montana , Washington , even Oregon and weeks before it even reached us our skies were darkened an the air stir'd up thick ! I was raised in the south were stayed humid year round, the total lack humidity was definitely a new experience, and so recently I came across this video that I am linking below and this most insane moment of driving this guys experience reminds of the stories told during the fire storm I was among , though fortunately I didn't have to drive through anything like that , I met people who had , an do for that my hat is of to those who made it through moments like these.
After a year of me moving back south an leaving the bar I enjoy for as long as I did , had eventually burnt down , matter of fact it stood on the land a small goldmine operation from back in the 40's use to thrive until it burnt down. Now I gotta admit I never how threatening wildfires really were till I moved out west.
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