How To Live A Good Life! #Introduction.

in #life7 years ago

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What's up guys I hope all of you are doing great today.
It's time to pastor again.

For those who are following me for a longer time know what that means. When I write about the following than with full passion and with heart.

Please allow me if you are a new reader to explain why topics like empowerment, psychology, self-improvement, leadership and yes business are so important to me.

From my profession, as a professional soccer player, I had to deal with psychological topics in early stages of my life. And I still have. From young ages, I learned what it means how to put myself in the right position so that the coach chose me over someone else, my competitor.

I learned what it means and what it takes to function under immense pressure. When 50.000 People are watching a game and in the masses some really important people like scouts or agents.

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What when you are not able to deliver on point?

This is one of the most difficult things in my opinion.
We have all skills, we need, and we are using to earn money, to feed our families and to do good for people who need it.

But having certain skills and using and delivering them producing satisfying results for people you depend on and this on point is something totally different.


Let me say you this: When your circumstances are easy, it's not a big deal to provide a good performance. But when you are under pressure, when you have no second chance and also when the outcome will affect other areas of your life than we are talking about a whole new dimension.

I know from other players, from major soccer player when I would mention the name here I am convinced that the most of all steemians have heard this name before. It doesn't matter if you are women even you :). I know that they got mental problems because of certain reasons. I know that not from the media which often tells a different story no I know that from personal contact.

I asked myself this can't be the life. There should be a way out, something you can stick on every time regardless of your performance or the results you produce. Something that stands above everything. Something that let you be stayed empowered and strong.

And all this starts with your inner man. Which is invisible to the outside world. These are as well skills that you can acquire, but I learned that many people independently where there come from are neglecting this.

A good life is not a good life where everything you do succeed. It's not about having much money, many cars, a big house, a private jet, the most expensive jewelry.

Are these things basically bad? No, they are not.
But if someone will set this equal to a good life I disagree.

Mostly we are living in a world of unexpected risks.
Some experts are trying to prove​ that most areas of our lives​ are known risks, but I don't believe that.

A good life is a life when you have peace of mind and heart, with a positive view of the future independently your circumstances. And that's not easy.
And this is a wide field I know. But it starts with the question of perspective you take.


I am so sorry it went too long again.
I wanted to share this, to prove my point of view.

When I went to the training camp, I picked up a book from Rolf Dobelli at the airport. I wrote about that.

He is sharing some amazing views about life in general. Like some of you already asked I want to take you with me. Some points I see as great values.

Actually, I wanted to start already in this post but yes, as you can see I drifted away sorry for that. But I will start in the next one.

It would be a pleasure for me to see you there.

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Hi Pastor, I feel great and the day passes as productive as possible. How is your health?
I am very pleased with the fact that self-improvement is important to you, because I also give preference to these topics. I devote my blog to that - that would help people get rid of bad habits and program the mind for a better life.
Indeed, being on the field, you as a football player are under pressure, especially when a lot of people are looking at you and waiting for the result.
I just like you do not believe that risks can be absent. A zero risk factor does not exist. Our world and our life can change at any moment and our task is to be ready for this. When a person does not accept changes in life badly, depression occurs.
Did you hear the about Bruce Lee's water philosophy?
"You pour water into a cup - it becomes a cup, you pour water into a bottle - it becomes a bottle, water can flow, or it can be a crushing force." Be water "How much was washed away in these words.
Being amorphous means being able to podstvroitsya under any situation in life and get out the winner.
What is your opinion @modernpastor ?

My health is great thanks for asking:)Hey @frank1in.

I have to say that until now I​ didn't hear about Bruce Lee's water philosophy. But now I have to check this out. But from what I am reading I sound​ profound to me.

It's really difficult to understand because​ sometimes we are facing huge problems in our lives. But I think that it is possible in life to get out as the winner. Even when other people will not see it in that way, maybe even classify you as a loser.

I agree that living in a society and having your own goals, you will sooner or later come across the fact that people (maybe even close people) will talk about what you will not get. They may not believe in you. They might think that you can not do it.
But the main thing that matters is your personal beliefs. We are building our own lives and we are responsible for our actions. Therefore, you must do as your heart tells you.

everyone wants to lead a happy life..from this post I learn to do it.. thank you @modernpastor

This post has received gratitude of 2.46 % from @appreciator thanks to: @modernpastor.

Those are some life goals to follow thanks for sharing these beautiful tips i will take care of them and will try to live happily :)

"A good life is not a good life where everything you do succeed. It's not about having much money, many cars, a big house, a private jet, the most expensive jewelry" Auf jeden Fall, ich würde sogar einen Schritt weitergehen und sagen, dass gar nichts externes einen Glücklich machen kann, dass speilt sich alles immer nur im Kopf ab, jedoch ist das schwer wenn wir jeden Tag mit Werbung bombiert werden. Naja jedenfalls super Artikel :)

These are some really good thoughts & points. Thanks for sharing @modernpastor!

Glad to hear this things being shared on steemit .
You have a very interesting way of presenting things , it makes me understand the entire story . Your taughts that are presented are so connected one to each other , it makes me understand the context and points . I appreciate for how fluent you are and the passion to share with the community .

That is indeed the way life goes on !With struggle and with some success !Coincidentally my recent post as well delivers the quite similar approach !
Thanks for the post!

introduction post

Check out the great posts I already resteemed.Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck! The @resteembot's Get more from @resteembot with the #resteembotsentme initiative

Hi! I'm so glad I found you on steemit. I think these topics are very important for us today. I'd really like to know your opinion about something: how do you think that for us as Christians, self- empowerment, personal development and the death to self work together.

I think that one of the most important things we need to master in life is being happy in the moment. Being happy with what we have now, not tomorrow or in the year. The truth is that we often wait for this one thing or one person, believing that once we get it, then we are going to be happy. But once we reach that goal, we level up. And there is another goal we want to reach, and then another. If we put our happiness on things or goals, hoping that after reaching them we reach happiness, I think we are setting ourselves for lifelong unhappiness. Gratitude is the way to live, to appreciate today, with good or bad. It doesn't matter. Life isn't perfect. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Love your perspective.

I love this post @modernpastor. I totally agree with you on this on

A good life is a life when you have peace of mind and heart, with a positive view of the future independently your circumstances. And that's not easy.
And this is a wide field I know. But it starts with the question of perspective you take.

I really depend on a person's perspective on life. It's not easy I agree but we can start by being appreciative of even the smallest things and setting our mind to think that there is a reason why it is happening. I will be waiting for your next post @modernpastor. Thank you for sharing this. :)

Pain, harshness and unfairness - are all the traits in life. People will push you down, stop you and demotivate you.

But there will also be happiness, people cheering you and motivating you.

So be strong and embrace it all...Nice thoughts buddy.

Inspirational word there! I love you @modernpastor, you have really inspired me, you are a role model to look foward too! Am a newbiee here looking foward to help in this community steemit.. It also a preveledge for me reading your post! Thanks. @follykay

Hallo Ray!
Sehr schöner und tiefsinniger Beitrag!
Hast Du schon einmal etwas von Professor Jordan B. Peterson gehört? Er wird immer mehr zum Internet-Phänomen, aber es ist praktisch nichts auf Deutsch über ihn zu finden und wenn Du ihn noch nicht kennst, wirst Du ihn lieben!
Herzliche Grüße!

Vielen lieben Dank für den lieben Kommentar.
Nein, von ihm habe ich noch nichts gehört. Habe ihn mir jetzt aber auf die Liste gesetzt. :)Hey @fabio :)

Kannst du mir mal etwas über ihn sagen? :)

Er ist ein klinischer Professor aus Kanada, hat in Harvard gelehrt und hat die psychologischen Wurzeln des Kalten Krieges und des Totalitarismus im Allgemeinen untersucht, weil es ihn schier hat verzweifeln lassen, wozu wir Menschen fähig sind und was für archetypische Monster in jedem von uns stecken. Er ist Ende 2016 in Konflikt mit neo-marxistischen Linken geraten, weil er scharfe Kritik an den neuen "Hate Speech" Gesetzgebung formuliert hatte, die es unter Strafe stellen würde, wenn man jemanden mit dem falschen Pronomen anspricht. Er hat schon seit je her alle seine Vorlesungen auf YouTube gestellt und daher dort dann eine sehr große Anhängerschar gefunden und sehr viel Zuspruch bekommen, während ihn die Medien immer wieder versuchen in die "rechte Ecke" zu stellen. Im deutschsprachigen medialen Raum findet er praktisch nur auf Steemit statt :D