My First AMA! Here My Answers!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

AMA Answers.png

So Steemians here are my answers to your questions.

@gandhibaba asked: How do you feel when your team lost a match?

Well, losing is part of the game, business​ and also part of life.
Of course, we want to win every game even in training we are trying every time to win every time, but it's not possible.

Losing though never feels great. And losing important games even more.

@sequentialvibe asked: How are the parties on the road :)

Depends how important the game was. When it was a really important win, the music is on all the time. In the bus, we have not so much space to celebrate hilariously. But often it was so hard that everyone sleeps^^

@tanbay asked: What was your favourite moment during your football career.

I think this was winning the Under 17 European Championship in Germany. This was such a great moment. And I was the captain of that team :D!

@frank1in asked several questions :D: How did you become a football player? So how did you become a member of your team? How long have you been playing football? What is your main goal in football?

Some of those questions I cant answer with just a few sentences. For that, I would need more words. One day I will make a post about that, hope that is ok? I am playing football since I am three years old. How I got a member of RB Salzburg? Well,​ they wanted me. And for me,​ it was a great next step in my career.

@ibrah87 asked: What are your relationship with rival players? Do you usually hang out? Do you call each other?

So we always try to separate business from personal matters. Means on the pitch we are maybe rivals but when we are playing on​ the same team we need to function together.
Only 11 Players can start that means that not everyone can play but everyone wants to play. On the Pitch, we are one family, in training we trying to show the coach that we are better than our rival.

Often we hang out mostly after a training session. And yes, we call each other by time.

@infinityroad asked: Is there apart from football other types of sports you like and do in your free time?

I like playing badminton or swimming. But mostly I am doing it not in my free time rather in the holidays. Do you call dancing a sport? ;) If yes, then​ this is also something I like to do or better liked because I'm doing it no more so often.

@theaustrianguy and @rehan12 asked a similar question: If you would not be a professional soccer player, what would you do for a living?

So, this is also not easy to answer. In young ages, I knew already that I wanted to become a professional football player, that led​ my decision back then. Also, the alignment of the school I​ visited was helping us to reach our goals, of course, we were often talking about a plan B but plan A was so present in me that plan B was at that time not an option.

It would have been different when the dream becoming a professional football player never existed. Then my whole youth would have been different.

I think I would have also chosen a creative way. Becoming an actor for example. Or I could imagine that I would have studied law trying to become a lawyer. But with my mindset today back in the age of 13 and without wanting to become​ a professional football player, I think the path would be clear. Interested to know?

@coolguy123 and @solcross asked: What is the meaning behind my username?

Well, I got this questions now a lot of times, and I think it's worth writing about more in detail. The short answer: I was thinking like everyone else about a fitting username. But what I didn't know was that I couldn't change it after. Yes, I am a Christian believer now for over ten years. I have seen some wars within Christianity. So the last part of my name is inspired by my belief. But honestly,​ it was first​​ meant as a joke!

@altafwani asked: what inspired you to join Steemit?

Honestly, it was curiosity. When I heard the first time about a blogging site that pays you, I had to try this out. I have a blogging past. Writing​ is not new to me. And because​ of that,​ it sounded really interesting​. Also the fact that you get paid​ in cryptocurrency.

@hopeabdulrahman asked: what steps did you take that got you so far on Steemit? Please share your secrets.

Tough question brother. First of all, thanks to you that you see it that way. Well, I would say it's not because of only one thing. It's an interaction of different factors coming together.
Short I would describe it that way: Do everything you can do on this platform then you're on the right track. Often people are not using the full potential of this site. At least in my opinion.

Also, this deserves a more detailed contribution.

@blessed-girl asked a long question about a basic Steemit question. Also, @sawi asked it in a similar way.

So, It's a complex system and especially for newbies difficult to understand. The short answer. The sooner you find a post and upvote it and also this post will have a high reward the bigger the curation reward for you. It's like who finds the treasure(post) soon and give it an early upvote. People who upvote later will get a smaller curation compared to the early curator.

And Yes, of course, your SP also plays a role. But for that, also better a more detailed post.

ayahlistic asked: Okay bro here comes my question. Have you ever cheated on your partner?

Well, I think this question appears because of a specific imagination about football players right ;)?
I can proudly say that until now I've never cheated my wife and I hope it will stay like that. I am married for almost 4 years now and my son has just​ turned one year.

I hope I could answer all your questions to your satisfaction?
It was fun to answer them and now I know that this was not the last time I did this.
Thanks to all of you.


unglaublich, ganz ganz lieben Dank für die Zeit und Mühe, all diese Fragen zu beantworten. :-) Das war so eine schöne Idee.

Vielen Fank für deine Wertschätzung ^^

Vielen Dank, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, all diese Fragen zu beantworten :) Besonders die letzte Frage war sehr interessant, vor allem die Antwort 'until now' lol

Ich danke dir für deine Frage :) haha, ja ich bin ehrlich. Wer bin ich eine unumstößliche Vorhersage darauf geben zu können? Dafür habe ich auch schon zu viel erlebt. I‘am just human, ein Mensch mit Fehlern und Schwächen. Und das ist mir bewusst. Trotzdem werde ich natürlich alles dran setzen das es auch genauso bleibt :) das ist ja schließlich was ich will.

Gut gesagt :)

@modernpastor , thanks for answering to my question !!

You’re welcome my friend ^^

Those are indeed some nice information to know about you :)

Thanks buddy for taking the Q & A session !

I have to thank you :)

Always will be there with good things buddy :)

Do you call dancing a sport? ;) If yes, then​ this is also something I like to do or better liked because I'm doing it no more so often.

Klar gehört tanzen dazu.
Wenn ich raten müsste, würde ich sagen am liebsten zu HipHop/R&B? :P

Sehr cool dieses Q&A.
Immer wieder interessant, näheres über dich zu erfahren ;-)

Genau richtig :D
Bin zwar bissl eingerostet aber es geht noch^^

Ich danke dir buddy^^

With these answers ,i think now know the @mordernpastor better, i would probably ask mine too very soon.Keep scoring goals!

Thank you for the time you invested in this AMA - great one :)

Interested to know?

Of course, what a question ;)

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Great answers! Thanks!

You guys put your heart, souls and bodies into this!

Thanks my friend :)

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Thank you for letting us know more about you @modernpastor and sharing more about yourself to us! :)♥ This is like a getting to know you blog, I love it! :)♥ God bless you! Take care! :)

Thank you sister ^^

You're welcome @modernpastor!😊❤

Great post. Enjoyed the Q & A session. Cheers

Thanks, ​buddy :)

lol, it's fun knowing the reason behind your steemit name yet it's good t know you are believer of god and that inspired for the creation of that user name.

Good to know you @modernpastor, Happy Wednesday :)

Gute Sache, auf die Idee bin ich auch noch nicht gekommen - mich fragt aber auch kaum jemand was lol :-)

Thanks for your time and your response. It is good to be willing to help others, I congratulate you on the initiative to answer questions from users. God bless you