Do not be attached to those who ignore you

in #life7 years ago


It is said that the more a person is ignored, the more he begins to be interested in the person who ignores him. Perhaps because many like the game "cat and mouse ." But do not impose a person who does not deserve your attention.

We become attached to a person who suddenly disappears, does not make itself felt, does not express interest. When such a person appears again, we feel relieved, the connection becomes even stronger.

Be careful!

Open your eyes. Perhaps you are dealing with an emotional manipulator.

Stop being deceived.

When someone likes you, you start deceiving yourself. Interpret the signs in favor of the fact that you are loved, need, because you begin to get attached to a person.

This confirms the belief that the person who attracts you, loves you, cares about you and wants to have a relationship with you despite the fact that this person ignores you.

Do not make hasty steps. Remember: you see only what you want. Why not try to look at the situation from another angle?

He ( a ) communicates with you only when he wants, and when you do not need him, does not make itself felt. This is a sign that you are being used.

He lays off a date with you to stay with friends, or comes up with other interesting plans. He ( a ) does not love you the way you think (or want to).

He can just hang up in a conversation with you, because you are not interested in him ( even her ) without even saying goodbye.

You can justify such behavior with the phrases: "He ( she ) just needs time," or " He does not want to become attached, " or " He is very independent ( I )" ...

This does not justify anything, except how humiliating your dignity.

Look at the world without rose-colored glasses and realize: you are ignored .

It's time to get a glimpse and see the world without rose-colored glasses. First make sure that you are without dependence.

In case it exists, the need to be close and important to someone forces you to obey and play by someone else's rules, and also to act in a way you would never advise to address to friends or relatives.

Therefore, it's time to realize that there are people you simply do not need. Take off the rose-colored glasses and move to the future.

His ( her ) words and actions confuse you.

Did you try to talk about your feelings? This feeling is so strong that it gnaws you from the inside out. Or you just want to tell how much you need.

Realize: you have already done everything possible to initiate such a conversation.

However, he ( as ) is inconsistent in their actions. Today, he ( as ) in you not supportive ( as ), and tomorrow to say " I love you " or " You're the only one in the world ."

This embarrasses you and makes you play a game of cat and mouse , which strengthens dependence.

I love when he wants it.

You also need love, but you do not get it when you need it. But love will be only when he wants it.

Pay attention to this fact. If his ( her ) love grows with the appearance of your anger, he probably tries to avoid parting with you, resorting to manipulation.

With him with ( her ) you do not feel safe.

Good people always protect us. If the situation is the opposite, run away from such a person.

Perhaps you think that you are safe.

If you are with him ( her ), you are well, you are happy and happy ... It's always like that when you are trying to express your feelings or think about what is embarrassing.

If you can not be yourself, or say what you want, when such a person is near you, you are not safe.

This is another alarm, you need to move in the opposite direction.

Believe me: you will be better off without a manipulator