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RE: The Tunnel. A Real Life Horror

in #life7 years ago

I cannot begin claim to know the struggles of being a single mother. I’m a mom and disabled, which presents its own set of struggles, but have the support of an amazing husband. I’m convinced my struggles are nothing compared to single motherhood. My impulse is to magnify any mom struggle by a factor of ten for single moms. I hope you have great support network, people who can help, or at least be supportive as you listen to “[your] body… making [you] take it easy.”

I’m not making money as a writer yet. I’m trying to get there. I used to work as a graphic designer in print media before I had my son. I always suffered indifferent health, at best, and struggled to even get pregnant; we were forty when our son was born. But, my pregnancy went very badly at the end, leaving me with multiple health issues. My husband and I had planned for me to be a stay-at-home mom until my son was in school. Unfortunately, by the time my son was in school full time, I was completely disabled.

Anyway, (Don’t you hate when people – like me – use that word as a conversational wrench? GUILTY! LOL) I still consider myself a newbie in the writing community. I’ve always jotted down poetry, mostly as I created visual artworks. Just three years ago, I offered up my first creative-fiction and am working on two other manuscripts at the moment. Otherwise, the bulk of my writing skill has been devoted to writer-activism, which, I’m sure you know, is largely volunteerism.