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RE: The truth about Bullying - What would you do?

in #life7 years ago

Bullying has certainly changed from when I was in school. I'm not sure how often kids are getting bullied in the playground in real life, it seems to mostly be cyber bullying today which is more pervasive because it follows you home.

Social exclusion is one of the most traumatizing experiences and from the outside it appears relatively mundane. I think most "bullies" are raised in broken households and are exposed to violence and harassment in their home environments.

Kids who're raised around parents who talk about their problems rather than fighting and yelling don't yelling and hit other kids. Parents need to set the example of how they want their kids to behave. Within one generation I think we could end all violence, including ideological wars, if every parent raised their children thoughtfully.


Cyber bullying also has a greater reach. I agree and think parents and adults have the responsibility of being examples for children and teaching them how to treat people accordingly. The challenge is getting everyone to be on the same page.