With the dairy industry slowly but surely in decline they have decided that they should have a month dedicated to themselves. I ask why wouldn't they, they should be proud of their achievements. Selling products that aren't suitable for human consumption, enslaving an entire species for their monetary gain, slaughtering babies etc, for more on why dairy is disgusting have a look at @therusticvegans post https://steemit.com/life/@therusticvegan/dairy-is-scary-everything-you-need-to-know-about-dairy
So why not check out this really brilliant enitave by the dairy industry and let them know how you feel about them and their products. Below are some images I have taken from their hashtag on their Instagram feed.
By continuing to consume dairy products this is the industry you are supporting.
Another proof of their pathetic attempt to continue their business. The dairy industry is dying and instead of growing quality crops so they can keep up with the industry they make these attempts to try to keep their brutal business.
All vegans should use the #februdairy in their food posts to show that you don't need dairy to thrive.
100% Nicole. FUCK DAIRY!
Hahaha, you just made my friday :D
Wtf is so hard about having a cruelty free meal? To each his own but understand that dairy is for calves! Not for human consumption! You want milk?? Go full Benjamin button...become a Baby and get momma to feed you from the teet. Lol it kills me to see ppl be disgusted by breast feeding but then go ahead and eat dairy products...like would human breast feeding be less nasty to ya if it was in a carton? Idk ya’ll I’m losing faith in humanity. I know there’s good ppl out there that understand what they are doing. If you don’t do some research. It’s not my place to judge you. But if the facts and science are there and you completely ignore it you can’t plead ignorance anymore. Later ppl
You got it man, 100%. If you put human breast milk in a carton you would be called a weirdo! That is how twisted the dairy industry has got us. Great reply man, didn't realise you were on the #VTrain. You have a new follower.
Yeah bro. If it had a heart beat i don’t eat it. Like has anyone had almond milk? Cashew milk? Omg coconut milk?! If not you’re missing out!
Screw #februdairy! I'm keeping the ball rolling with #veguary! Because vegan is in season year-round! Maybe we can make #februnodairy go viral, too?
I like it, maybe #febunodairy Keep rockin it Katie!
Even better! Dairy is going down, it's just a matter of time. They'll put up a good fight, but there's just too many people spreading the word!
Its so pathetic. Can't find more words for that. Thanks for sharing man!
The worst part is they feel entitled to it. Not 1 thought goes to the animals. I was in a debate with a dairy farmer who said "vegans are another species" the level of arrogance is astonishing. I would sooner die being a voice for the voiceless than a greedy c*nt.