The unpredictable life. We know when we are born but not when we have to leave

in #life7 years ago (edited)


The unpredictable life.
We know when we are born but not when we have to leave

I met my husband in 1999 at the university and in 2 months he started working in a brewing company as a salesman. A completely new fleet started the position of beer seller nationwide!
Well ... our relationship was going well aft and then my boyfriend, started a great friendly relationship with many of his new colleagues.

Francisco was the most special. Occurrent, funny even though he had a slightly broken life: he lived 60 km away which caused that most of his time was exhausted, adding that he smoked and had 60 kg of overweight. He was married and they lived with his father-in-law.
It was 5 years since the beginning of that beautiful friendship.


The company closed and the sellers had to get other job options. They were so supportive among themselves that where one of them started, they brought the rest. So it happened with Francisco and my husband ... I can catalog him as "his godfather", he always brought good and useful things to his life.

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Francisco decided to make drastic and good changes in his life: he divorced because the relationship was toxic and his evolution stagnated, he lowered his excess weight, he studied another career, he married again, he began to travel, he became an athlete (racketballist and marathoner) and through his example motivated many. He was a good son, brother, husband and friend ... he had everything.


In another company they started selling toilet papers and diapers. After 6 years of being there Francisco became independent and started his own business selling office supplies and cleaning. He was doing quite well.
My husband started working at an airline and they always maintained contact. In fact Francisco was the supplier of the airline.


In parallel we premiered as parents and we chose him to be the godfather of our first daughter. Francisco and my husband were like "the key and the lock". They tried to start a juice business but it did not materialize. Until October of last year, Francisco called my husband and proposed to start with a business that he had already tried and it had worked; My husband did not pay much attention.


I was the one who in January called Francisco, he came to the house, we shared divinely, and when we said goodbye, I said "we must continue to procure these spaces with our dear people" they all nodded their heads giving me the reason.

Last week we received training with him. we were about to start the next monday. It was Friday the last day we saw him and we talked because on Sunday morning having breakfast, his wife gave us the terrible news: "Francisco gave him a heart attack and died" .... What! can not be! We burst out in weeping, we did not understand ... what happened? I was full of life, prosperous, bright, active, positive, healthy ... oh what immense pain gave us that news; Francisco did not have known heart diseases, he was only 47 years old! ; my disconsolate husband did not stop crying. He was in charge of notifying all the friendly vendors

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Already to 5 days of that fatal and irremediable physical loss, begins a personal process of transformation and awakening in several aspects that we had numbed: move, act, search, solve, do not wait, is today, you can, do not stop, follow. ..
And the reasoning of what is death, which I have been studying for years. You have to keep your mind open to what I am going to expose now and accept the idea that there is life after life.
In metaphysics I was taught to "help" to release the souls of the body by talking to them and giving them a massage, well, I could do that with my aunt 20 years ago because I was in the place of death, I could not help Francisco.
Since I was a child I used to hear voices being alone at home, I know there are people who read me who understand me and others who think I'm crazy, but I can only comment on my own experiences that are the only ones I know and endorse.
The book of spirits, a reading about souls and their contact with mediums, I must look for it to understand it again.
"The art of good dying" a tremendous workshop that gave me another broader perspective which explains the following:

The soul leaves the body when on earth and fulfilled its mission of life in that incarnation. He is baffled at the moment but he does not regret his separation because immediately remembers what he came from and why he should leave. Yes, he is interested in the pain that his family and friends feel for his death. He goes through a tunnel (the famous tunnel), being guided by his spiritual guides and seeing the light, going to a kind of university to "study" with the Masters of Light and review what he did or did not do in life; to amend it in a next existence (karma). They show him some "slides" of the most relevant facts and question them so that the soul reconsiders and understands how they could have done it better. Then he is given the opportunity to choose the future parents before being born again; for this they explain what is the mission of these parents so that the soul evaluates how much they will help him to advance in his mission.

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At birth our "hard drive" is reset, we do not remember anything and we can incarnate in countless lives until we learn and can rest in peace.
I like that theory a lot, it is ethereal because it could not be scientifically proven, but the human being is like that: body, soul and mind, life is mysterious in itself and death is the only sure thing we have.
I do not consider myself a guru, I have not had any extracorporeal experience, but if someone can give me another vision of the subject, I will be grateful.
My conclusion: To live the day to the full that we do not know when we leave and in honor of my friend, brother and compadre Francisco, I claimed that I will continue forward as he wanted to see us, continuing his legacy.
Fly high dear and we will meet.

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