Achieving goals, no matter how complex they are, with the attitude of a professional is a difficult task. In fact, being a professional is hard.
Today we feel that we need to learn English and understand why we need it. But wake up the next morning is less decisive. The goal can be postponed, there is no need to reach right now. And we keep the status quo, because it's so much easier. A week later we again understand that we need to learn the language, we even go through a couple of online classes. Then again there is no time, we judge ourselves for indiscipline, get upset, throw. The search for inspiration and motivation can become our worst enemies if we do not understand the obvious: what is important is to be done regardless of mood and desire.
When you choose any goal (even if it is a dream of your life), you will work regularly, there will still be days, weeks and even months when you want to give up everything. There will come a period when you begin to ask yourself: "Why do I do all this? What's the point of this?". This happens to everyone.
Therefore, being a professional hurts. Amator at the first pain retreats and is engaged in something else. A professional will tolerate pain until motivation, inspiration and desire come to them.