Developing The Spirit Of Sufficiency

in #life7 years ago


To live in sufficiency means to have more than enough. When God blesses you, your cup begins to run over enough to bless others around you (Read 2 Corinthians 4:13). There is a spirit of faith that causes you to manifest this sufficiency. To be filled with the spirit of sufficiency is to be blessed both internally and materially. (Read Proverbs 18:14). If you are weak on the inside, you are not yet experiencing sufficiency. If you would like to know how to grow into live in sufficiency, do read on.

Ways To Develop Your Spirit Of Sufficiency

Invest in knowledge by being a reader
Whatever season you are in, something has been written about it. You can study your way to victory over lack, over marital crisis, over anything! (Read 2 Timothy 4:13)

Learn to receive from others
Not everything will be revealed to you by God. Nobody has it all, you will still need other people to know all you need to know. If you listen to no one, then no one will listen to you because your degree of dominion depends on your degree of submission. Learn to receive from those who know what you don't know. You may know how to make money but not how to manage it. Someone knows better than you and can instruct you. (Read Acts 9:6, Acts 10:6).

You must be secure in who you are
Never be intimidated in the presence of a developed gift, learn to develop your own. A commitment to practice would develop your brand and people will soon begin to request for what you have. Dig in your heels, stay at what you are passionate about, pay your dues and eventually your brand will also be preferred. Stay with your calling.

Always bring the best out of others
Discontented men, misfits and distressed people came to David and he took them in and eventually made them mighty men! (Read 1 Samuel 22:2.) Staying around him changed their lives. What do people become when they are around you? Do people loose their timidity and uncertainty around you? Or do they loose their self confidence and self esteem? (Read Isaiah 42:3)

Guard your heart
Offense will definitely come. As your contact with other people increase, so would your vulnerability to offenses increase. Avoid bitterness and strife, it can destroy you.

Learn to live beyond your past
(Read Phillipians 3:13) Learn to move past what has stopped working. Move beyond your past. Let it go, start afresh. Your story can get better, only if you move on. Did you loose a job or a spouse, please move on! Don't enbalm your past, bury it!

Be a giver
(Read Proverbs 11:24) Conquer greed and be generous. There is nothing wrong with saving, in fact it is necessary. However, don't withhold more than enough, give to those who are in need around you. Giving to others breaks the power of insufficiency over you.

These are the words of wisdom I learnt from my father in the Lord, Rev Gbeminiyi Eboda, in church this morning...Please take heed and you will always have more than enough!

Cheers and thanks for reading!!


One love dearPowerful words dear and I can really relates with this. We are born to live in plenty and not in scarcity. Thanks for sharing this great thoughts @mosunomotunde.

Bless your heart love

Words of wisdom... 👍👍

Thank you @mosunomotunde for this post, I just noticed you around! God is with you.

This is powerful word, it take a wise once to understand this. Thanks a lot for the motivated word of encouragement @mosunomotunde