I support the concept that rising tides lift all boats, and that wealth disparity is not wrong. But thats not something a modern social justice advocate would even talk about. Back in the day, having a roof over your head thats constructed of mud and straw was considered well off. Over time it became stone walls, then wood, then somehow it evolved to just having shelter.
Right now if you have the following, are you really considered poor?
- Food (most countries provides some welfare level of nourishment)
- Water (most developed countries have this readily available, be it bottled or from the tap)
- Social Safety (most countries have local law enforcement).
What more could you ask for?
Well, it happens that modern society is starting to address certain things like the poor are poor because they lack the education to rise from it. Or society creates a blanket to weigh the man down because of socially constructed oppression. And all of this is caused by capitalism. Its a bit absurd, but that's the modern issue and their progress is how do we move away from that.
I don't think most see the bigger picture of how far we've gone and how far we can go in terms of bringing everyone to a higher standard.