love it!! this is one of the most fun parts!!! the talking natural homes page on facebook may also be of help to you. people throw ideas around concerning their natural builds and there are many people there with TONS of experience. i'm so excited for you! designing a home that fits your needs/desires/and the space you live <3
we're asking similar questions here as we think long term for the "bigger house" natural build that may happen as early as next year. so much to consider! the south facing passive solar is a huge element for us as well. i also want comfy nooks. The pattern language by christopher alexander i would like to also recommend. he is a genius architect who deeply understands and intuits the habitation of spaces, how humans feel in spaces... i plan on reading those patterns again and again so they seep into my consciousness as i design a future home!!
Thanks for the book recommendation and page. I'll take a look for sure. And congrats on your design project as well. It is fun to get to be creative in the design of one's spaces. I look forward to sharing the creation journey with you.