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RE: Should You Raise Your Child With Religion, Even If You Don’t Believe?

in #life8 years ago

I definitely respect your post and opinion. Thanks for sharing!

My personal opinion is far different. I believe that regularly going to church out of cultural traditions or generational religious practices is not far off from non-religious planning and activities. In other words, religion in its own context is not edifying or truly fulfilling. In my opinion, I find it to be somewhat selfish and belittling of what a church is meant to be - simply put, if you're going to church just because you feel like it's "the right thing to do", it is just as equivalent as not going to church at all.

I am confident in my Christian faith because I believe it wholeheartedly. There is no other belief system (from my own personal investigation of historical evidence and belief structure) that comes close to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Knowing this, I believe that if Christ and God the Father sent down the Holy Spirit (Acts 1 of the Holy Bible), then through the work of the Lord, we will go to church NOT because of necessity, memory creation, or self-satisfaction; but rather, out of humble obedience and willingness to do so because of what He first did for us, through the power of the Holy Spirit!

Just wanted to add my two cents in the conversation! It's definitely a good perspective to dive deeper into.

FYI - I have no kids yet, but I do intend on starting a family sooner than later. And when I do - by His grace I shall remain in my faith - I will definitely bring my children to my local church here where I stay!