This may anger some people, but it is what it is. We lost another African American man, due to a police shooting, I'm sorry to his family and friends and anyone that may be affected by this tragedy.
Let's revolt they say, let's tear down some buildings and stand at the governor's mansion until he makes a statement they say. My question is, and then what? What happens after the governor makes a statement? What happens after the buildings are burned down? Life goes back to normal until the next time. Then it happens again, another black man gunned down by the police. Then we protest? Then we chant black lives matter?
How about this? How about on a normal day, when, instead of the police shooting and killing our African American men, when it's your little brother, or cousin, or nephew or your son, out there shooting and killing our African American men, how about we protest then, how about we chant black lives matter then, how about
we revolt then, how about we burn down some buildings then? If we don't respect us and value each other lives, how do we expect à whole other ethnicity to respect us? How do you expect the police or any person, community or group to respect us? Yeah, these are very unfortunate events! That doesn't have to happen, and are not supposed to happen! But, if we're going to start a revolution, we damn sure better be starting in our own back yards! If we are going to hold the police accountable, then we damn sure need to start holding each other accountable! Because if we are going to revolt only on the police and not the thugs killing our kids, husband's, cousins, nieces, nephews, parents and grandparents, then guess what?! We're just rebels without a cause!!! Have a peaceful day. God bless.
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