This little hamster is an inviting food collector. On both sides of the face there are bags that can expand up to 1.5x larger than the head itself. Which means that it has very large cerebral packs in which it can transfer the food without wrinkling, not getting caught and thus spoiling food. So it transmits food in a dry form.
In the hamster hammer in autumn, you can find incredible up to 5 kg of dry grain food.
People in this way managed to find food when they did not have it. The hamster canopy can be very complicated tunnels but incredibly well-arranged rooms.
When they find a male and female during mating. When the female accepts the male, she simply stiffs and raises her little tail vertically and is constantly stationary in that position until the male ends. He is a little around her at that time, eats, cats, sniffs her, and then throws herself back to her and everything until she finishes. When she finishes and if she is very tired, she has to run away from a feminine, because the female after the mating shoots a man to bite her hair. In most cases, a male hamster fails to escape from a partner and, unfortunately, he is left without ...
I had a hamster ham and mated 3x but 2x was successful and we had young ones. They are born completely blind and completely naked. The first time was about 3 and the second time seven small hamsters. Chicks grow to full maturity for 3 months and can spend every 3 months steam and bring young people to the world. It's very fast playback.
I kept it in a large aquarium. They told us to buy sawdust. So we did, but we noticed that it did not suit her, so we used the daily press and split a sheet of paper to get noodles. Daily sweets when we vacuum them, on the one hand it is split into pieces and when the leaf is turned, it is split into noodles with the entire length of the leaf. And so we split the newspapers from her, and she made it from the papers by bending the tunnel. In one corner it was necessary, she ate in the other corner and in the third she slept, diagonally from the toilet. Often we washed the aquarium with hot water and a bit of dried liquids for the purity of its aquarium. Once we wanted to try and see if she would know where she was doing her work and where she was sleeping. We marked the aquarium and washed it well.
After washing, we ripped her the paper, turned her aquarium. She was right in the same place, slept, ate and had her own toilet, without mistake.
Ovaj mali hrčak, je inzvaredan sakupljač hrane. Sa obe strane obraza ima kese koje se mogu razvući i do 1,5x veće od same glave. Što znači da ima veoma velike cegere u kojima može preneti hranu a da je ne pokvasi, da se nebi nahvatala buđ i tako pokvarila hrana. Znači, prenosi hranu u suvom obliku.
U hrčkovoj jazbini u jesen, možete naći neverovatnih i do 5kg suve zrnaste hrane.
Ljudi su se na taj način snalazili za hranu kada u nisu imali. Hrčkova jazbina može biti veoma komplikovanih tunela ali neverovatno su dobro raspoređene prostorije.
Kada se nađu mužijak i ženkav za vreme parenja. Kada ženka prihvati mužijaka, ona se prosto ukoči i digne njen mali repić vertikalno i sve vreme je u tom položaju nepomično dok mužijak ne završi. On za to vreme malo oko nje, jede, češka se, njuška nju, pa se opet baci na nju i sve tako dok ne završi. Kad završi i ako je veoma umoran mora da beži od ženke, jer ženka posle parenja juri mušijaka da mu odgrize mošnice. U čestim slučajevima muški hrčak ne uspe da pobegne od partnerke i na žalost, ostane bez...
Ja sam imao zenku hrčka i parila se 3x ali 2x je uspelo i imali smo mlade. Oni se rađaju potpuno slepi i potpuno goli. Prvi put se okotilo 3 a drugi put 7 malih hrčaka. Hrčci rasu do polne zrelosti 3 meseca i mogu na svaka 3 meseca da se pare i donesu mlade na svet. Veoma je brza reprodukcija.
Čuvao sam je u velikom akvarijumu. Rekli su nam da kupimo piljevinu. Tako smo uradili ali smo primetili da joj to nije odgovaralo, pa smo koristili dnevnu štampu i cepali list po list da bi dobili rezance. Dnevne dovine kada ih cepamo, sa jedne strane se cepa u komadiće a kada list okrenemo, cepa se na rezance celom dužinom lista. I tako smo joj cepali novine i ona je od tih novina napravila savijanjem tunele. U jedan ćošak je vršila nuždu, u drugi ćošak je jela a u trećem spavala, dijagonalno od toaleta. Često smo prali akvarijum vrelom vodom i malo tečnosti za sudove zbog čistoće njenog akvarijuma. Jednom smo hteli da probamo i vidimo, da li će ona znati gde vrši nuždu a gde spava. Obeležili smo akvarijum i dobro ga oprali.
Nakon pranja smo joj nacepali novine, okrenuli joj akvarijum. Ona je tačno na istom mestu spavala, jela i imala svoj toalet, bez greške.
Write down your original post, do not post images that you find on Google, so you will get more real visitors who will have something to vote and make you a little richer.
It's much easier to take a camera or mobile phone and take pictures of nature or some animal and write something about it ...
Napiši te vaš originalni post, nemojte postavljati slike koje nalazite na googlu, na taj način će te pridobiti više pravih posetilaca, koji će imati šta da glasaju i malo vas učiniti bogatijim.
Mnogo je lakše uzeti fotoaparat ili mobilni telefon i slikati prirodu ili neku životinju i napišete nešto o tome...
This little hamster is an inviting food collector. On both sides of the face there are bags that can expand up to 1.5x larger than the head itself. Which means that it has very large cerebral packs in which it can transfer the food without wrinkling, not getting caught and thus spoiling food. So it transmits food in a dry form.
In the hamster hammer in autumn, you can find incredible up to 5 kg of dry grain food.
People in this way managed to find food when they did not have it. The hamster canopy can be very complicated tunnels but incredibly well-arranged rooms.
When they find a male and female during mating. When the female accepts the male, she simply stiffs and raises her little tail vertically and is constantly stationary in that position until the male ends. He is a little around her at that time, eats, cats, sniffs her, and then throws herself back to her and everything until she finishes. When she finishes and if she is very tired, she has to run away from a feminine, because the female after the mating shoots a man to bite her hair. In most cases, a male hamster fails to escape from a partner and, unfortunately, he is left without ...
I had a hamster ham and mated 3x but 2x was successful and we had young ones. They are born completely blind and completely naked. The first time was about 3 and the second time seven small hamsters. Chicks grow to full maturity for 3 months and can spend every 3 months steam and bring young people to the world. It's very fast playback.
I kept it in a large aquarium. They told us to buy sawdust. So we did, but we noticed that it did not suit her, so we used the daily press and split a sheet of paper to get noodles. Daily sweets when we vacuum them, on the one hand it is split into pieces and when the leaf is turned, it is split into noodles with the entire length of the leaf. And so we split the newspapers from her, and she made it from the papers by bending the tunnel. In one corner it was necessary, she ate in the other corner and in the third she slept, diagonally from the toilet. Often we washed the aquarium with hot water and a bit of dried liquids for the purity of its aquarium. Once we wanted to try and see if she would know where she was doing her work and where she was sleeping. We marked the aquarium and washed it well.
After washing, we ripped her the paper, turned her aquarium. She was right in the same place, slept, ate and had her own toilet, without mistake.
Ovaj mali hrčak, je inzvaredan sakupljač hrane. Sa obe strane obraza ima kese koje se mogu razvući i do 1,5x veće od same glave. Što znači da ima veoma velike cegere u kojima može preneti hranu a da je ne pokvasi, da se nebi nahvatala buđ i tako pokvarila hrana. Znači, prenosi hranu u suvom obliku.
U hrčkovoj jazbini u jesen, možete naći neverovatnih i do 5kg suve zrnaste hrane.
Ljudi su se na taj način snalazili za hranu kada u nisu imali. Hrčkova jazbina može biti veoma komplikovanih tunela ali neverovatno su dobro raspoređene prostorije.
Kada se nađu mužijak i ženkav za vreme parenja. Kada ženka prihvati mužijaka, ona se prosto ukoči i digne njen mali repić vertikalno i sve vreme je u tom položaju nepomično dok mužijak ne završi. On za to vreme malo oko nje, jede, češka se, njuška nju, pa se opet baci na nju i sve tako dok ne završi. Kad završi i ako je veoma umoran mora da beži od ženke, jer ženka posle parenja juri mušijaka da mu odgrize mošnice. U čestim slučajevima muški hrčak ne uspe da pobegne od partnerke i na žalost, ostane bez...
Ja sam imao zenku hrčka i parila se 3x ali 2x je uspelo i imali smo mlade. Oni se rađaju potpuno slepi i potpuno goli. Prvi put se okotilo 3 a drugi put 7 malih hrčaka. Hrčci rasu do polne zrelosti 3 meseca i mogu na svaka 3 meseca da se pare i donesu mlade na svet. Veoma je brza reprodukcija.
Čuvao sam je u velikom akvarijumu. Rekli su nam da kupimo piljevinu. Tako smo uradili ali smo primetili da joj to nije odgovaralo, pa smo koristili dnevnu štampu i cepali list po list da bi dobili rezance. Dnevne dovine kada ih cepamo, sa jedne strane se cepa u komadiće a kada list okrenemo, cepa se na rezance celom dužinom lista. I tako smo joj cepali novine i ona je od tih novina napravila savijanjem tunele. U jedan ćošak je vršila nuždu, u drugi ćošak je jela a u trećem spavala, dijagonalno od toaleta. Često smo prali akvarijum vrelom vodom i malo tečnosti za sudove zbog čistoće njenog akvarijuma. Jednom smo hteli da probamo i vidimo, da li će ona znati gde vrši nuždu a gde spava. Obeležili smo akvarijum i dobro ga oprali.
Nakon pranja smo joj nacepali novine, okrenuli joj akvarijum. Ona je tačno na istom mestu spavala, jela i imala svoj toalet, bez greške.
i don't know what to say p
I told you something about hamsters and my experiences with them. :)
Write down your original post, do not post images that you find on Google, so you will get more real visitors who will have something to vote and make you a little richer.
It's much easier to take a camera or mobile phone and take pictures of nature or some animal and write something about it ...
Napiši te vaš originalni post, nemojte postavljati slike koje nalazite na googlu, na taj način će te pridobiti više pravih posetilaca, koji će imati šta da glasaju i malo vas učiniti bogatijim.
Mnogo je lakše uzeti fotoaparat ili mobilni telefon i slikati prirodu ili neku životinju i napišete nešto o tome...
maybe i can't do this

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