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RE: The Wilds of Glasgow

in #life4 years ago

It is getting a bit silly at this point. When I speak to the American side of my family back in the states they relay it's grim, but they don't have a lockdown and their economy is doing well. Several work in critical care and are slammed with patients due to covid. A couple are quiet senior in their profession and control several hospitals within what we over here would call a large region. Think London to Edinburgh regarding size. So covid and the problems it causes are a real thing I believe. Well.... I don't think my blood kin are in on any conspiracy at least... Could be. Who knows. Maybe I'm a reptile part of the covid hoax from the planet ceres with nine dongs and a butthole ten yards around the corner so I never have to deal with my own crap. Who knows? .. I'll check in a bit. Lol. Jokes aside, the southeast of the states where they're at people are at least keeping their jobs and can live a little. But over here with the UK side of the family I'm watching peoples health and careers fall like dominoes. When I speak to former colleagues in health care here they sound pretty hollowed out. But our govs response is starting to feel more and more like a boot stomp rather than protecting the public though... As Britain's most famous boy buggering bard once said "Bad times are just around the corner". It's starting to look like it at least. .. well if jogging in place ever becomes an Olympic sport at least we know after this blighty is almost a dead cert for gold.