In recent years, I have been closely involved with artificial intelligence to use it for marketing purposes. This effort fueled my interest in science fiction and I began writing sci-fi stories and novels. In July 2016, I wrote a novel named Ogox, which is about the struggle of androids to have equal rights with humans. Since I have creative writing experience, I give special attention to the creative dimension of the artificial intelligence while following the developments in the field. In this article I would like to discuss what artificial intelligence can achieve in areas requiring creativity.
I think it will be appropriate to start with advertising sector applications which is one of the first areas that come to mind when it comes to creativity. The first example is which produces inspirational posters from quotes. As you will experience when you try, you do not recommend the application neither picture nor the words. It's doing all the work on its own. Here are some examples of the posters I produce using this artificial intelligence application.
You can generate your own inspirational posters in a second by entering website. During this production, you may experience strange results because the algorithm does not implement any logical, ethical control over the results. This is my favorite poster.
My second example is from a system that was built to be used in the advertising industry again. I think someone aimed to save the advertising industry from the fees that were given to celebrities to use their names and images. As you can see in the video below, the application uses the pictures of celebrities to produce new virtual celebrity pictures. When you see the results you might think you're dealing with pictures of celebrities that you don't know yet.
The next example is an application that mimics the new-age authors who earn easy money by scattering spiritual pearls. It is a pleasant work emphasizing the meaninglessness of stereotypes that appear to be meaningful. I suggest you try. When you press the "REIONIZE ELECTRONS" button at the top, "inspring" new-age texts are produced for you.
One of the most important areas where creativity finds reflection is music. Deepbach's artificial intelligence application learned from Bach compositions and made a new Bach composition. I am not good at music, so I don't know if it looks like Bach music, but I sounds fine.
Deep dream developed by Google generate pictures mimicing the styles of various painters. I got the cover photo of the post from the same application.
Microsoft announced in January 2018 that it had developed an artificial intelligence program capable of drawing text-based recipes. Here is an example of the pictures drawn by the program.
Studies carried out around the world are aiming to use artificial intelligence in creative work. Are these practices an example of creativity? I'm not sure.
In the studies I have included above, various artificial intelligence algorithms are used together, but we owe the creation of such artifacts to a new method of artificial intelligence invented in the year 2014. Generative adversarial networks (GAN) is a class of artificial intelligence algorithms implemented by two neural network systems competing against each other within the framework of a zero-sum game. This technique, presented by Ian Goodfellow and his friends, allows the creation of images with many realistic features. The system is working on an artificial neural network to produce candidate pictures and the other to assess produced images. This allows a style to be adapted to a picture, which can be seen in the picture below.
Is true creativity to reveal an original style, or is it to use that style in a new context? Creating a style is more valuable I think.
The other posts I shared about AI is listed below.
What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Can Artificial Intelligence Take Over The World?
Will Artificial Intelligence Unite The Nations?
Thanks for reading.
Yapay Zeka Yaratıcılık Gerektiren İşler Yapabilir Mi?
Son yıllarda pazarlama amaçlarına yönelik olarak kullanmak üzere yapay zeka ile yakından ilgilendim. Bu uğraş bilimkurguya olan ilgimi körükledi ve bilimkurgu öykü ve romanları yazmaya başladım. 2016 yılının Temmuz ayında androidlerin insanlarla eşit haklara sahip olma mücadelesini konu alan Ogox romanım yayınlandı. Yaratıcı yazarlık deneyimim de olduğu için yapay zeka alanı ile ilgili gelişmeleri takip ederken konunun yaratıcılık boyutuna özel bir önem veriyorum. Bu yazıda yapay zekanın yaratıcılık gerektiren alanlarda neler yapabildiğini ele alacağım.
Yaratıcılık denince ilk akla gelen alanlardan olan reklam sektörü uygulamaları ile başlamak sanırım uygun olacak. İlk örnek ilhan verici posterler üreten Denediğinizde göreceğiniz gibi uygulamaya ne resim ne de özlü söz öneriyorsunuz. Tüm işi kendi başına yapıyor. Bu yapay zeka uygulamasını kullanarak ürettiğim posterlerden örnekler postun üst kısmında yer alıyor.
Siz de sitesine girerek kendi ilham verici posterlerini 1 saniye içinde üretebilirsiniz. Bu üretim sırasında algoritma sonuçlar üzerinde herhangi bir mantıksal, etik kontrol uygulamadığı için garip sonuçlarla karşılaşabilirsiniz.
İkinci örneğim yine reklam sektöründe kullanılmak üzere üretilmiş bir sistemden. Birileri reklam sektörünü ünlülere isimlerini ve görüntülerini kullanmak üzere verilen ücretlerden kurtarmak istemiş galiba. Aşağıdaki videoda da göreceğiniz üzere uygulama ünlülerin resimlerinden yararlanarak yeni sanal ünlü resimleri üretiyor. Üretilen resimler gayet gerçekçi, eğer algoritma tarafından üretildiğini bilmiyorsanız tanımadığınız gerek ünlülerin resimleri ile karşı karşıya kaldığınızı düşünebilirsiniz.
Sıradaki örnek spritüel inciler saçarak güzel paralar kazanan new-age yazarları taklit eden bir uygulama. Anlamlıymış gibi görünen klişe ifadelerin anlamsızlığı vurgulayan hoş bir çalışma olmuş. Denemenizi tavsiye ederim. En üstteki "REIONIZE ELECTRONS" butonuna bastığınızda sizin için "ilham verici" new-age metinler üretiyor.
Yaratıcılığın yansıma bulduğu en önemli alanlardan biri müzik. Deepbach isimli yapay zeka uygulaması bach bestelerini dinleyip kendince yeni bir Bach bestesi yapmış. Müzikten anlamam, dolayısıyla Bach müziğine benzeyip benzemediğini bilemiyorum, ama fena olmamış bence.
Google tarafından geliştirilen Deep Dream isimli yapay zeka çeşitli ressamların üsluplarını taklit ederek resimler yapıyor. Kapak fotoğrafı olarak kullandığım resmi bu uygulamadan aldım.
Microsoft geçtiğimiz Ocak ayında metin bazlı tariflerden çizim yapabilen bir yapay zekalı bir program geliştirdiğini açıkladı.
Örnekleri çoğaltmak mümkün. Dünyanın dört bir yanında yapılan çalışmalarla yapay zekanın yaratıcı işlerde kullanımına yönelik çalışmalar yürütülüyor. Bu uygulamalar birer yaratıcılık örneği mi? Emin değilim, yorumu size bırakıyorum.
Yukarıda örneklerine yer verdiğim çalışmalarda çeşitli yapay zeka algoritmaları kullanılmakta birlikte, bu türden eserlerin yaratılabilmesini özünde 2014 yılında bulunan yeni bir yapay zeka yöntemine borçluyuz. Generative adversarial networks (GAN) bir sıfır toplamlı oyun çerçevesinde birbiriyle yarışan iki sinir ağı sistemi tarafından uygulanan, bir yapay zeka algoritmaları sınıfı. Ian Goodfellow ve arkadaşları tarafından ortaya konan bu teknik, birçok gerçekçi özelliğe sahip resimler yaratılmasına olanak sağlıyor. Sistem bir yapay sinir ağının aday resimleri üretmesi ve diğerinin üretilen resimleri değerlendirmesi üzerine çalışıyor.
Gerçek yaratıcılık ortaya özgün bir stil çıkarmak mıdır, yoksa o stili yeni bir bağlamda kullanmak mıdır? Bana olmayan bir stili yaratmak daha değerli geliyor.
Yapay zeka hakkındaki diğer yazılarıma aşağıda linkler üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Yapay Zeka Nedir?
Yapay Zeka Dünyayı Ele Geçirecek Mi?
Yapay Zeka Ulusları Birleştirebilir Mi?
Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim.
Great information about Artificial Intelligence. I am checking your previous post about this article. You are truly studied this far and I am glad for sharing all of this. Artificial Intelligence is what the future will become. We need a smarter AI to acknowledge what is happening to other part of the world. I have found a blockchain that is using it to make a disaster prevention. They made an appearance in United Nation to discuss things about it.
Well done, great work!
I liked it .. nice from you
Thanks for sharing..
nice post, i like it
Well put. As an artist it was interesting to read. Started following you too
I think the term "creative" has been muddied here.
There is no doubt an artificial intelligence could "create" something. Some picture, some series of musical notes, ect. That would be no greater challenge for it than forming a sentence. It need simply boil the language of the medium down to zeros and ones, analyze what has had appeal and what has not, add in some "golden ratio" of whatever the medium in question is. But that in and of itself is not "creative" as most people view it.
Creative, in the arts for example, is something more profound. Something that produces emotion, produces a visceral reaction.
In order to be able to do that, on purpose, the A.I. would need to be capable of having a visceral reaction, feel an emotion. Comedy is a good example to use...the A.I. would have to find something the it finds funny in order to truly understand, beyond the simple timing and structure of a joke, how to produce a genuine laugh in others.
I won't call this impossible, I will merely say "I'll believe it when I see it."
I'm also not sure, but I think they will be creative and funny after a while
Well, we wont survive!
If they become sexier thsn us!!
I've heard once a ai robot answered to the question "are you aware of your own existance?" With "how do you define yours?!!"
They don't understand anything, they can give reasonable answers without real understanding. They are functional.
The transition from algorithmic answers to Understanding, can be like a jump in genes.
If you believe the terms: machine learning, deep learning and ai
or you think they will always stay passive machines waiting for orders in codes written by us?
Define what you mean by "creative" in your question, and I'll be able to give you an easy "yes" or "no" answer. The problem is in defining that word.
That's the point. It is hard to define. So I didn't try
Then I wonder, why ask a question about something, if there's no definition for it?
"Can Artificial Intelligence be...... something.....?"
If you don't define your question, your answer has little meaning.
it is very interesting analysis about th AI applications in arts. it is an polemic area. i think that the creation of an virtual entity capable of create an image, a music composition or any manidestation of art, can considered an entity with particular charateristics and else an individual, so i hope that this artificial identities can be cosidered as personalities very well identified.
I agree with you. I think that the most important political issue of the future will be the rights of AI agents
Human artists are also influenced by the ancertors, as you mentioned, artists learn the craft by mimicing other artists. Sad but true
If you haven't looked into it, I can imagine that you would enjoy the game "NieR: Automata". Seems to be right up your alley.
Artificial intelligence is a topic that I find exciting for a most part and I really want to see how far this topic can possibly go.Being able to do critical thinking and using creativity is something most people could ever imagine an AI to be capable off.
I prefer to think that we human beings are more capable when creating "art" and showing through them feelings that are interpreted by people who can observe and appreciate it. I do not mean that I do not agree with this artificial intelligence, I just want to limit that we are totally unreachable. Great post, it gives a lot to talk about. YOU HAVE MY UPVOTE, SALUTE!
Woah. I really appreciate you bringing up this topic.
I had a"mind-blown" moment in reading this and am loving all of the philosophical discussions that are coming up surrounding technology and AI.
Will AI one day be an extension of us like children are an extension of their parents? Will they behave like we do? Learning from our example?
Will AI take over all of the things we do such as art, play, work, sex, and everything else on the spectrum?
If they are doing all the things we do... Will we still do them? Will we all be members of the same society or will they work for us even though they have sentience?
Just thoughts... hmmm
There will be a robot uprising I suppose as depicted in movies
Art is ultimately binded with Free-Will. Therefore, I assume it is not possible.
Here's the way I understand whether or not artificial intelligence can be creative. As you know, a computer defeated Gary Kasparov, the world's best human chess player. Also, a computer defeated the best Go player.
The common wisdom is that defeating a human at chess just required a computer with enough cycles to try every possible chess move, given the board position at that time. The solution - using enough brute force CPU cycles - is not considered creative because there are a finite number of chess moves, given a position.
Go is another matter. Go requires learning and what one might call "intuition" if it were attributed to a human. In the case of Go, the Google Deep Mind team used neural network programming, not to do a brute force solution, but to program the computer to come up with a better strategy, basically learning as the game progressed. Go is one of the world's mot complicated games and requires adaptability.
One could easily posit this as intelligence, something we attribute uniquely to human beings. However, if we execute the Turing test we could not differentiate between the human and the computer's reasoning powers. In that sense, yes, the program is indeed showing intelligence, not artificial, but the real kind.
I think the most important aspect is the processing power.(with enough memory) What makes us unique in terms intelligence is our immence processing power.
Muy Bueno Amigo @muratkbesiroglu, Saludos!
Saludos Amigo @muratkbesiroglu
Excelente Post Hermano @muratkbesiroglu gracias por compartirlo te apoyo, Saludos Desde VENEZUELA!
Ellerine sağlık üstad :)
El arte desde diferentes posiciones... Excelente post.
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Its obvious AI will do things better than humans
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in other words we are all fucked when someone makes a Steemit post writing AI?
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@muratkbesiroglu greetings! Excellent topic to discuss. I believe that Artificial Intelligence is the greatest technological challenge in history. However, we must not forget that it exists thanks to man and his creativity. So clear that can be creative, who creates artficial intelligence trapasa their feelings through programming.
Indeed. Computation power has gone up exponentially and best robots can't be creative. Enthusiasts of art intelligence are getting high in the sky with a balloon filled with nilium.
Very good article and links. Thanks for sharing @muratkbesiroglu
Benda tesekur ederim.
Create a great day,
I must admit, sitting here... in time they (A.I agents) will end up having more living rights than humans at this rate.. thus enter the Transhuman age .... I do not fancy becoming a chip head. All honesty, it seems being Human is a thing of the past. . . Take care people.
Deep dream ile çalışmıştım hatta bir kaç hobi proje geliştirmiştim ama inspirobot'u bilmiyordum.
Yeterince biyoloji ve tarih okuyunca yapay zekanın bizim yaptığımız her işi yapmaması için bir sebep olmadığını anlıyorsunuz. Bireysel zevkimize uymayabilir sonuçlar ama bir noktadan sonra bunun da önemi kalmayacak gibi.
Muy interesante tu trabajo sobre la AI, creo que uno de los campos donde la AI puede ser mas creativa es precisamente en el arte, ya que su utilización por ejemplo para el procesamiento de una imagen propia (fotografía o pintura) generaría modelos y posibilidades prácticamente infinitos.
Y no por ello deja de ser arte, porque la génesis de esa creación seria una obra propia, y la AI vendría a ser una herramienta o colaborador.
Of course you can, if you do the correct programming and the elements you can achieve, the issue is that you should not give decision power, this is the dilemma, fortunately there are a few years left for this to be a true and not experimental or commercial reality
Good post..!! Around the world they aim to use artificial intelligence in creative work and it is very important for our own help, since they are an application of easy access for users which allows them continuous learning. ;)
Guzel bi konuya deginmissiniz kutlarim yaraticilik ve ozgunluk konusunda haklisinizda yapay zeka hayatimizda cok onemli bir yere sahip olabilir fakat bunun kontrolunu elimizde tutmak ve gerekli mudahaleleri guvenligini zamaninda yapmak zorundayiz .. aksi taktirde bi bakmissiniz o program baskasinin elinde farkli boyutlarda almis basini yurumus halde karsimiza cikmaktadir . En basindan insanimizin toplumun bilinclenmesi sart ve bunun icin de farkli yayin organlariyla bu bilinci yaymaliyiz diye dusunuyorum .
It all depends on what you define as creative, and there are two ways of thinking, that being creative is a characteristic intrinsic of life matter this being the least interesting path since it means that how much we wanted to a computer will be bound by the rules imposed by our programming thus never being truly creative but forcefully creative.
The other variant is the more fun one since the act of being creative is observed by creating pieces of literature, music or science; giving a robot the instruction on following patterns to create these kinds of authorship means the robot has the capacity to be creative and thus all the ramification that you just exposed in your article.
Thank you for posting this, it was thought-provoking for me.
Personally, I think that artificial intelligence can do a good job in these areas, but they can never understand the versatility of a human being that usually reflects a variety of feelings through their work, as is the case of artists..
I believe human being are most creative when it comes to art
True art is the reflection of the divine as expressed through the medium of the artist's choosing. Can a computer do that? Hardly. The best a computer can do is rearrange parameters that have been put into its database.
Wow I really enjoyed your post.
What happens when AI starts making steem posts? steem won't need us writing anymore
wow/ amazing
Artificial intelligence will only do those jobs which they will be programmed for they can not create anything of their own It is the humans who will develop them not other way round
Honestly, I feel that although AI can be dangerous, it scares me even more that us humans, a very dangerous and volatile species, have the power to destroy what is currently our only home with weapons that can kill millions. It is absolutely terrifying that there is currently over 10,000 nuclear weapons, and only a fraction of that could cause an insane amount of damage and cause a worldwide nuclear winter and famine, along with destroy crops and ruin the atmosphere, all of which would lead to global destruction, destabilization, and billions of deaths.
I would say yes. What is creativity other than your mind brute forcing various options and "choosing" ones that seem novel. Is creativity anything other than creating unique ideas? If an ai has so much processing power that it could replicate every potential iteration of an idea, wouldn't some of those be creative?
Posted using Partiko Android
This artificial intelligence seems to be smarter than humans! How come they can do such nice jobs :D. It's really appreciating.
interesting explanation
Fascinating article and certainly something to think about... after all what is creativity? We have an amazing computer in the form of our brain, mind and soul... which does what? Loved it - thanks for posting.
Thank you😎