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RE: How Do We Catch Criminals On the Darkweb?

in #life8 years ago

I never seen that so many people who have completely 0 actual knowledge about Dark Web, Internet Criminals and Hacking subject generally can have so many strong, yet not backed up opinions and such claims. @calaber24p i not mean about your post, i mean about your all replies.

half of the governmental IT team, especially when we are talking about Internet Crime Divisions, in each country are co-operating with criminals that were found/arrested/apprehended/tipped-out previously. They are using them for political reasons of conflicting countries around/between and are being well paid for. I had honor in my home country to be privilege to host one of them, even met briefly his "Parole Officer" who was 13 years ago more nerdy and informed than i could dreamed about.

Privacy was broken during 90's even during DIAL-UP and ISDN age. Windows 95 and 98 had exploit open so someone could remotely connect and access your C:\ where in System folder on that time under Windows could obtain 2 files, than can later resolve with another tool to all passwords, cards, logins ever used on that computer. So, a dial-up (with free high price on click connect dial up privacy - aka hot dial-up numbers) can penetrate by IP scan of a block obtain 100 credit cards fully working with all of their logins to emails and such. What are we talking now about then in age of almost 24/7 internet access ? With Cookies ? With conversation in skype in Thailand picking up keywords and sending it to UK on google ADS to another computer ?

Just forget it. There is no privacy, there is political perspective presented to public means as "privacy" and "Mean dark internet criminals hiding"